All the wisdoms presented by the sciences of the world are sciences of suffering wise men and that is why everyone suffers. The world is based on wisdom of suffering ones and who is based on science of suffering ones has to suffer too, because his knowledge is worthless; due to it, they always continue suffering. Those who know suffer, the wise men, those who do not know anything suffer, and suffer those who claim they know.
Therefore, what is the use of this knowledge? Know to suffer, it is useless. It is a knowledge of primitives. It is a knowledge that sets back; it is a knowledge to increase suffering. And that is why the more you know the more you suffer. It does not help in anything the knowledge like that in the world. They are the unnecessary sciences; they are such wisdom without need. The knowledge you need to live, you know nothing about. Care, therefore, of evolving in what is most lacking to all, because in the contrary, suffering will be, each time, bigger.
And for that, the more the living being works toward to not suffer and to better him, the more he goes worse. Like that, it is to fight in vain. Everyone suffers as long as they live like that, working against his own nature, working against himself. Because everyone lives against nature, it is that it turns against its own inhabitants, thus offering to them earthquakes, electrical sparks, too much rain, too much heat, strange diseases, all kinds of illnesses.
After all, nature turns against its own deeds, against itself, unfavorable to itself, making the living beings disturbed ones, without peace, always sick, bearers of all that there is of bad and unpleasant, appearing what they are not, thinking they are clean and many times they even get disgusted of themselves, never mind of the others!
All of this is punishment from nature itself, due to everyone living against it, working against yourselves.
Reason why you are so, without ever getting better, but everything getting worse. Many times you seem to be well, but appearances are not truths and that is why everything annihilates itself and everyone suffers, going through periods
you cannot stand, many times asking to die. And when you lose your mind, you end your existences.
And live these idiots looking for peace, looking for happiness, health, and never finding them, each time getting worse, due to them keep working against their own nature and he who works against nature, wastes time and suffers miserably.
All inhabitants of that world there are exposed to the invisible spirits from the vacuum, which do everything of evil with