Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2023



“Everyone lives after becoming well and not bad. There is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and with it, good. Whoever already has the knowledge of the Writing of eternal salvation must try to save himself as soon as possible, through immunization. For this solution it is only necessary to have the knowledge of possession of your "I", mainly the most important basic passages of this work.

What is here is the most important knowledge that has come into the world.  It is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. It's not parrot talk of yesteryear, which today's fools still adopt so they can have a nice place up there, a little corner, when they get there.

And so the world lives, full of so many blunders, to palliate so much blindness exploited by the enchanted, adopting a similar charm to enchant the wild boars of the weak plebs, asleep by that sacrilege yoke, which has always kept everyone's lives in mystery and in suffering ." (Page 272/273, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will be accepted by everyone, universally, because it brings in its core a Superior Culture of Origin, the Rational Culture! “RATIONAL CULTURE IS A CULTURE THAT CAME TO CLARIFY US FROM WHERE WE COME AND WHERE WE ARE GOING. The objective of this culture is to clarify the origin of the world and its creation and to clarify everyone's return to their World of Origin, through the development of Reasoning.

 Through this culture there is the connection of the human being, through the development of reasoning, the connection to the World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, and from there receiving all the precise orientations for his rationally balanced good living in the life of matter.

It is a conscious and positive culture based on our World of Origin and logic because it unravels all the mysteries and all the enigmas.

It is a culture where there are no mysteries or riddles.

It is the true definition of the origin of humanity.

It is a culture that defines the world before everything was like this and the cause and origin of everything that exists in this earthly galaxy.

And so that the objective of RATIONAL CULTURE is the return of all humanity to its true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.

And this Knowledge, being a true Knowledge, natural from nature, is in favor of everything that exists in the world, in favor of everyone, because it is a Knowledge of our true origin. And so that this Knowledge is of nature, on behalf of all that exists. It is the continuation of everything that exists, it is the continuation of philosophical and scientific science, of all sects, doctrines and religions. Because all this was done by the tools that nature made, generated, created and maintains.

And in such a way that RATIONAL CULTURE clarifies with basis and with logic all the formation of the Universe and its creation with the smallest details. There are no mysteries, nor enigmas, as it is a culture from a World Superior to ours, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, the true world of the animal of Rational Origin.

In that culture, from the extraterrestrials, from RATIONAL SUPERIOR, you find the solutions for everything from beginning to end, completely defined. It is a complete Work because it has a basis and logic. The true Knowledge of peace, love and fraternity, where you will find Universal Concord. For being from the true World of Origin of the animal of Rational Origin. Made this Work in the language of the people, in a simple language so that everyone can understand and interpret ". (RATIONAL SUPERIOR). Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria. Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...