Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2023



"For immunization to be achieved by the living, it is only necessary to read and know what this Writing proves and proves, showing everyone the truth of truths. He who knows is given the duty to clarify to others. But the living being who does not know completely All of this that is demonstrated here, you must remain quiet, first try to understand it from beginning to end, and then, then, know how to talk on a basis, definitively, authentically and calmly." (Page 185, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: In this excerpt, RATIONAL SUPERIOR talks about the importance of reading, what it can represent in our lives and what we can achieve with it: the happiness of happiness that is immunizing ourselves, Rationally! RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is the maximum state of evolution, it is the supreme state of the human being, achieved so naturally, so simply, through daily reading of the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.

To reach this state, accessible to any and all human beings, it is enough to read carefully, consecutively and reflectively the knowledge contained in the Book, regardless of our religious, philosophical and scientific convictions! This is because Knowledge of Rational Culture is constructive knowledge, in favor of peace, love, fraternity and universal concord, as it is in favor of everything and everyone!


Those who do not know the Book Universe in Disenchantment think that it is a Book like any other in this world. And read it as if it were a short story, a novel, a drama, a history, a philosophy.

The Book Universe in Disenchantment is from a World Superior to ours, from a Super World that is the RATIONAL WORLD, the World of our true origin! And as such, it must be read very calmly, reflectively and slowly and with maximum attention and concentration on the subject being read.

We should try to read it whenever our minds are rested and free from worries, in calm, serene and peaceful environments, so as not to distort our attention and concentration on the subject we are reading! For this reason, RATIONAL SUPERIOR (author of the Book) recommends, whenever possible, that it be read during the early hours of the morning, as at these times silence prevails and our brain is rested from the worries and tensions of everyday life!

And we must always keep in mind that, when we read, we are receiving the Rational Energy treatment, so that we can solve the intricate problems in our lives!

Finally, we must bear in mind that when reading, we are being assisted by the Inhabitants of the Rational World, our brothers of origin, pure, clean and perfect beings who are present here to help all humanity! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to everyone!


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