Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 21 de abril de 2024



"If they were balanced they wouldn't be like that, needing to note that in relation to nature, from a certain point of view they are equal, and from another point of view they are different. This is the reason that living beings are only what nature made them for, to be what nature wants and for this reason, it is the case that many living beings, completely illiterate, have great fortunes and achieve great wealth and others, who study to acquire wealth, are always in poverty.

The living being has to be what nature wants and not what he wants. The living being wants to be rich, but nature made him to be poor; He fights all his life in every way, in every way and is always poor. And another, that nature made him to be rich, he doesn't need to fight and his wealth is resolved naturally, without sacrifices. There are also those who were not born to be rich, but who do whatever they can, sacrifice themselves and become rich, and what happens? Nature takes everything from them." (Page 149/150, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, my friends, we are all equal because we are natural children of this nature and, simultaneously, we are all different from each other, because nature is variant and does not regulate because it is commanded by two energies that have no stability, which are variants and unbalanced and which are electrical energy and magnetic energy!

Nature is a factory of lives that constantly undergoes energetic changes in its production line of lives: animals, vegetables and minerals. And more, my dear friends, nature not only made all the lives that exist, but also made all the adequate nutrition to maintain all the lives it made! And even more, my friends: if we have feelings, it's because whoever made us also has feelings, and they are certainly superior to ours!

So, my friends, carefully analyze the following comparison: if they harm one of our children, if they kill one of our children, what will we be like? Revolted, indignant, right? And we will seek justice at all costs, seeking to repair the evil done! All of this happens because we love our children and what belongs to us!

In the same way, nature: she loves her children and feels it when they kill one of her children! She is angry and indignant and also seeks justice, aiming to repair the evil done! So, my friends, let's think about this and make a "mea culpa" regarding the infinity of heinous crimes that we commit against natural laws and against the natural children of nature: animals, vegetables and minerals!

Finally, if we are all natural children of this nature, we must respect all the lives she created! This is the universal principle of loving your neighbor as yourself, since we are all children of one mother and we all, without distinction, must be respected in terms of our right to live, even if this right is ephemeral and temporary! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to everyone!


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