Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2024



"You still don't know everything about this world you inhabit and you already want to know everything here in the Rational part? How can you? When you are here, yes, you will know everything, bit by bit, in the Rational part; why it is like this here and much more. Wanting to reach what is above the RATIONAL PLAIN is for the living being to be blind and imprudent. The living being asks: - "Ah! I want, at least, by description, for you to tell me what it is like". Well! Here are the clearest data in the Writings, with true and proven bases, that the theory is good, but the practice is better. The mania of many is to want to start where others end and they have lived in this world for so many ages, without ever discovering its beginning and its end and they already want to know where they are not yet. As I explained to you, the plain up here is very large, much larger than this world that you inhabit there. Progress is different. The bodies are pure, clean, perfect, without defects. Life is pure and there is no suffering of any kind. They are eternal. They are not animals, much less are there two sexes; it is a single being. The food is very different from that used there, as are the living beings that inhabit here on this plain. Do you not see the Sun? It is a living being; and far above it, in the Rational part, are other beings. But these bodies are different; they have neither legs nor arms, they are not hairy, they are not animals. Like the Sun: it has no arms or legs and it walks". (Page 87/88, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with all its simplicity and naturalness, succinctly describing what life is like and what the beings that inhabit the RATIONAL WORLD are like!

Did you notice, my friends, how we came across the greatest absolute reality of all time? And what is this reality? THE EXISTENCE OF INTELLIGENT LIFE OUTSIDE THE EARTH! And intelligent life with progress and evolution; with beings much superior to us, since they are pure, clean, perfect and without defects; with a diet different from ours; where there is no suffering and everyone is eternal, that is, everyone has the right to live, there is no death! Look at this beautiful and wonderful description, my friends! This is what our science has been searching for for a long time! And working incessantly, with highly advanced scientific research to find and that now, so naturally and so simply, is here in our hands and within everyone's reach, from the most renowned scientist to the simple, humble man with little education!

So, my friends, the existence of intelligent life outside of Earth has been proven and confirmed! RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION provides us with this proof! And this intelligent life is outside of Earth, yes, my friends, because the RATIONAL WORLD is located above and far above the Sun! SUPERIOR RATIONAL clarifies to us that the distance from the Sun to the RATIONAL WORLD is much greater than the distance from the Earth to the Sun!

And the proof doesn't stop there, my friends! Did you know that these beings that inhabit the RATIONAL WORLD are the same beings that are appearing here on Earth, in the firmament, in the form of luminous bodies, in various shapes, forms and different colors? Yes, my friends, these beings are Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD and are now presenting themselves here because the two worlds have united into one! Yes, my friends, their WORLD with ours! And no one knew; and no one felt; and no one noticed! And this Union represents a new milestone in the history of human evolution, the beginning of a New Era, a new Phase: the era of the Third Millennium, the Rational Phase!

These beings are coming here on a mission of peace, love, fraternity and universal harmony! They are the authentic testimony of how we were before we became deformed as we are!

And do you want to know another great reality? We have already said before that: the objective of knowledge of Rational Culture is to connect all humanity to its true World of Origin and from there receive all the precise guidance for its perfect balance in the life of matter! And our World of Origin, my friends, is where these beings, these Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD live! In addition to connecting us to our World of Origin, my friends, the Knowledge of Rational Culture also develops Rational Clairvoyance and with it developed, we will all see the RATIONAL WORLD, the place of origin of all! 

And all this is obtained by reading and rereading the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!


RATIONAL PARTS! "We are all closer to knowing the truth of truths, because the truth that exists in the world is all illusion and nothi...