Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2024



"Everyone is only half-knowledgeable and for this reason, they are considered mediums. To complete this knowledge, they will have to come to the conclusion that they need to find their natural self, and then embrace the Creator. As long as they do not embrace the Creator, their suffering will always increase, and they will be incomplete in their nature. And only by embracing the Creator will they be complete in everything, with their nature, bringing to themselves all that is good and best.

And the living being asks: - "How can we embrace the Creator?" I answer: by knowing what they did not know and are now knowing: RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION! Do not confuse it, however, with spiritualization; spiritualization is only a form that leads to RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. But the living being, already knowing immunization, which is this Writing that is here in your hands, only needs to know and become aware of all its content, to be complete in everything of their nature and achieve the graces of the SUPERIOR RATIONAL." (Page 183/184, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: It is important to clarify that when we speak of the Creator, we are speaking of a World much superior to ours, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, the true World of Origin of everything and everyone, since everything and everyone is of Rational origin. And the RATIONAL SUPERIOR is a living being of the RATIONAL WORLD, the true World of the origin of everyone. And seeking the true origin is the right path for us to follow so that we can all unite together in the Origin, which presents itself to us each day stronger and more present, with its powerful force of union of everyone and everything! The origin calls and the time has come!

And seeking the true origin means walking on the right Road to the encounter with the SUPREME CREATOR!

And who is the SUPREME CREATOR? A Reasoning Superior to all Reasonings and that created everything, generated everything, in a pure, clean and perfect way. That is why we are of Rational origin and we have been scientifically classified as Rational Animals, or rather, animals of Rational origin. 

And in the true origin is the SUPREME CREATOR! The origin is Rational, therefore, if we are of Rational origin it is because the one who created us, who made us, who generated us, is RATIONAL, Superior to us! Who made us Rational? Another Rational, Superior to us. So it is the SUPERIOR RATIONAL! Who generated and created and formed the origin, in a pure, clean and perfect way! 

Therefore, I invite everyone to seek this and other clarifications, in Rational Culture, the culture of the development of Reasoning and that is contained in the Book Universo em Desencanto, authored by the SUPERIOR RATIONAL, who is the one who administers the Rational Knowledge contained in this Work. (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


OS PRIMEROS ANUNCIOS DE LA INMUNIZACIÓN La INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL ya fue anunciada hace muchos siglos por Nostradamus y San Juan en los papir...