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domingo, 4 de agosto de 2024




The confusions are made by who already live confused. with themselves. We do not have anything to do with anyone's delay and a confused one does not know what he thinks, does not know what he says, he does not know what he speaks, does not know what he wants.

The unconsciousness of the confused ones is such that he lives dizzy, without knowing what he wants, without knowing what he does. The natural of all confused ones is the disequilibrium.

The disequilibrium makes the person confused, whereas the equilibrated one is not confused, and that is why he knows how to put things in their places, knows how to distinguish the good from evil, the well from ill, due to being conscious. Who lives confused with themselves, makes confusion where there is no confusion, because he already lives confused with himself. The confused one does not how to distinguish right from wrong because he is confused. Then he says: "-What is right is wrong and what is wrong is right."

And so, never meeting with the right, due to being confused with oneself. And, because of that, makes confusion with everything, thinks that everything is confusing, due to living in confusion with himself. Those like that are ill in the brain and an ill person keeps varying like that.

The normal state of those ill ones is to vary and those who vary is unbalanced and keeps making confusions, due to his sick condition, where there is no confusion to be made.

And the world is full of those ill ones. The confusion is natural, while the person does not know the way things are; but after knowing it more or less, confusions are not admissible.

Confusion is for those who do not know what it is all about, but for those who know what it is all about, only being sick to keep varying, not knowing whether it is right or wrong.

Those who live varying, it is that for being varying, do not know whether he is right or wrong, makes confusion because he does not know how to interpret reality as it is.

Only those who live confused with themselves cannot interpret things the way they are. And so, there are people with appearance of well and healthy and they are only appearances, in reality, he is an ill one, lives dizzy, confused with himself and everything. Those ones end up bad, due to already being bad and that is why they live badly and the good one lives well.



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