Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2024



The origin of matter is in the magnetic force that comes from water. In water are all evil fluids, and what is evil, is material.

Water only produces evil, which is material, but if there was no water, there would not be this life, which is material. Therefore, from water comes everything of this apparent everything, that is why all beings are no more than standing water tanks; you dissolve because you transform into water!

What are we made of?

Of water, of the spermatozoid, which is a liquid, originated from water; that is why we are made of water, and when we die, we turn into water. From our bodies leave a vapor that is fluid, and turns into water. The vapor, the fluid of evil, due to it being material, it is originated from water. The material being is a stinky thing, disgusting, without qualification, only with an apparent worth, but appearance is no truth!

What is a spermatozoid?

It is a lowermost water drop and from this lowermost water we are made of, for then, to be transformed back into  water, when we die. That is why everything that starts from water, ends as water and not in dust, as many dare to say: - "from dust you came and to dust you shall return." But everything comes from water, and not from dust, because water is everything and dust is nothing.

In the fluid of water are all colors. The white fluid of water makes white, the black fluid makes black, the yellow fluid makes yellow. And so on.

Water transforms itself, it means, it deforms itself. That is why all beings produced by water are deformed, they are evil beings, material, from this deformation. Water is always transforming; that is why, besides of being deformed it is irregular. So we have freshwater, salted water, ferrous water, sulfuric water, and all kinds of water.

A part of the Plain became water and water in its turn, transformed itself into all things of this world. In so being, water is everything and dust, earth, is nothing. That is why dust dissolves into water. In the spermatozoid, which is from water, is everything of our body: the hair, the skin, the nails, the blood, the nerves, the bones, after all, all organs and all cells.

The electromagnetic conjunct belongs to this deformation, where we are born and die. Therefore, our bodies are an identical system to nature that made it, this nature which is also electric and magnetic. The electric part is the fire that burns and destroys and the magnetic part is the water that builds and forms everything.

The magnetic force is water; it builds what is evil or material, deformed. And the electric force is the fire, destroys everything, making everything to turn into vapor and, following, water again.

Therefore, in magnetism is the evil, the material. So, the philosophies, the sciences are from the enchantment. Those who trust in the electric and magnetic forces will be wasting time and cheating themselves, because those forces are originated from the formation of this evil conjunct - fire and water - of this deformed conjunct. That is why everyone in the world goes from bad to worse and the disequilibrium increases each time more.

And now, the living being asks: "-What would be of everyone in the world, who is based on these evil forces, on these two material forces, the electric force and the magnetic force, if it had not now arrived to everyone RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, to equilibrate everyone?

What would be of everyone under those conditions?"

The destruction of everyone would happen, total destruction, because evil destroys itself. And that is why the unconsciousness is very large in the world, and the unconscious one does not know what he says, much less what he does.

But now has appeared in the world RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and it has appeared in Brazil, for the salvation of everyone.



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