Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2024



All of this is condemned by the Astral Superior, as condemned are those who adopt evil with persistence. When one talks about natural things, you consider it a big mistake; at the same time being mistaken you say you are right.

With nature nobody can afford. The natural always wins, because the natural lives with nature, and there is nothing more powerful than her. You protest against the natural things and who proceeds like that, protest against his own happiness; who proceeds like that is more than condemned by himself. And so, the infants live in an avalanche of mistakes, suffering the consequences of these orbits and flammules, due to thinking and saying that who is right is wrong and who is wrong is right.

Who base upon the natural things of nature, they say it is wrong, and who is out of it, it is who is right. Those who base on this civilization, on this education, on this environment, where everything is appearance and nothing else, can only be wrong. That is why you suffer the consequences to many times to say: "-We are conduct by Satan; otherwise we would not suffer so much!" The infant moreover says: "-I do not believe there is a savior because the more I implore to him, the more I suffer!"

If pureness was there in your education, the people would not suffer as they do. Sometimes the desperation is so great that you ask for death. Therefore, go by what I tell you, by the natural orders first, and what is from your natural there, last. Everything which is natural only does good and not evil.

Your natural is evil, and that is why you live suffering. And the Astral Superior does not attend who does not know what says, who does not know what wants, due to not knowing true natural. RATIONAL SUPERIOR and everyone from the Astral only attend by natural means and methods. Therefore, watch your ideas and notice how erroneous they all are. Do you think that the Astral admits all of those contradictions? That it admits evil as an element of prestige, as you admit it?

That what is natural is with the people from the Astral, and what is not natural, the people from the Astral do not accept. The right is in the natural base of things; outside the natural everything is wrong and in the natural everything is right. But for confusion being reigning, it is why people adopt these preconceptions as elements of prestige. And so, you live doubting of what is not doubtful. The natural does not have any doubts because it is the true one. The natural that you adopt as the true one is the one which is doubtful.

As a consequence, our Writing does not have those pseudos, it does not have those crimes, because what it has is of natural and the natural has everything in form, everything from good to better, and what seems natural and is not, everything from bad to worse, the reason why everyone suffers. The rich suffers, the poor suffers, the big suffers and the small suffers.

The natural things are adopted by those who do not want to others what he does not want to himself. The natural is all that what can be without prejudicing anyone, it is all that what is superior to everyone, due to nature being superior to everything. And nature being superior to everything and everyone; everyone's duty is to obey and guide oneself by the natural rules of well doing, to receive what is good, thus sowing to himself.

But torture invaded everyone with this sulfuric and painful nomenclature and that is why everyone lives imploring to the superior forces of the invisibles from Astral Superior. Imploring to be contemplate with what you need, with what you believe is of your right, with what you say is of your right, and because you are not contemplate, you keep on suffering in every way, in all manners and from all sides, without you noticing that all this is because you do not adopt the true natural.

I, RATIONAL SUPERIOR and everyone from the Astral will give everything to the obedient ones and the disobedient and rebellious ones cannot count on the People from the Astral, because it is to count on them in vain. No deal, if you don't do your part. If you are not obedient, you cannot count on a powerful stream next to you to overcome the obstacles and everything you need: health and peace. If you have health and peace, it is because you are contemplated with everything. And I will contemplate everyone more than you deserve. But, obedience first, because stubbornness does not give good results with the Superiors from the Astral.

And so, everyone who obeys the Astral Superior, who counts with their solutions and waits to be contemplated, must always have in mind what is needed, first is obedience, persistence, and the clear and crystalline way of understanding the things, for not making confusion of what is right, of the natural things.

What is natural is good, beautiful, powerful, because it vibrates with nature itself, and everyone depends on her; there is no one more powerful than her.

Therefore, who face things as they right are, will always be contemplated and will always be above suffering. They will stop carrying crosses full of torments, as many living beings do to the point of becoming crazy, seeing the time they cannot live like it anymore, without knowing what to do with life. They are those stubborn and rebellious ones, who do not know the true natural orders of things to guide themselves by those, but guiding themselves by the wrong of wrongs, always in wrongdoing, and thus every time more from bad to worse.

This is for those who make confusion of the true natural with the natural created by your forefathers. Thus, creating this confusion you are seeing. No one understands each other; big and small ones. Confusion is in all levels. At the same instant you are agreeing, you are disagreeing, because of this natural that is not the true one.

Notice, thus, that you are being deceived by a fantasy, only living of hypocrisy, which is why the world became a nut house. Therefore, do not base upon the things of the world, because those who do, suffer too much and those who recognize this big mistake win by the natural methods, getting everything they wish.

You are all brothers, but notice how you live. Ones against others. If the natural was this that everyone adopts, you would live well and happy. But, due to nature not being this one you adopt as true, it is why unhappiness is everyone's guide. This is a practice of common life and of what it needs to be, and not of what you want it to be.

The bells of the Astral are for every head, playing the bells to call those in lack of the primordial, which is obedience to the Astral Superior. The virtues of a good navigator are very much elevated and multiplied. All of them being carried out in a proven way, solidly, in multiple ways, each time more. Therefore, the good navigators always elevated to the heights, in ways each time higher and happiness, glories, the riches always multiplying.

The duty of all infants of both sexes is to do their part to their own benefit, so that everything good, with the progression of the days, comes to their hands. What you need, wish, implore and much beyond. Those who do their part on this way, everything excels, everything shines in multiplication of successive glories, thus working to their own benefit.

What is the work? Obedience, persistence, calmness, simplicity. Be beneficent and prudent in all points of view. It does not help anything the living being be arrogant and imprudent, because he becomes a disturber of himself, by the ideas incompatible with the norms I expose here.

The natural order of things has many characteristics: what was born to be high, nature takes it to its high place; what was born to be down, nature leaves it in its low place; what was born to be small, rachitic, nature only provides to that finality and nothing more.

These are natural points which vibrate with nature; they are mirrors for all of those huge greatnesses, for all interpretations of the beings, given by the formation of the insatiable ones, which make the living being never be happy with that he has.

If they are tall, the taller you are, the taller you want to be. If you are small, you also want to be big, and there they are the fights and confusions. You are skinny and want to be fat; you are fat and want to be skinny. You are poor and want to be rich; you are rich and want to be richer. After all, you are insatiable with everything. Indolent beings by the own nature; unbalanced ones. And due this, you are so.

If you were equilibrated you would not be so, needing to notice that in relation with nature, up until a certain point of view you are equal, and under a different point of view you are different. That is the reason why the living beings are only what nature made them for, to be what nature wants and that is why many living beings, completely illiterates, have great fortunes and conquering great richness and other, who study to get rich, are always in misery.

The living being has to be what nature wants and not what he wants. The living being wants to be rich, but nature made him to be poor. He fights all life, with all means and ways, and always poor. And another, who nature made to be rich, does not need to fight and his richness is resolved naturally, without sacrifices. There are also those who are not born to be rich, but they go for it, sacrifice themselves and become rich, and what happens? Nature takes everything away.

It is the same thing as the living being trying to be beautiful. He goes to a beauty institute and becomes good looking. But after stopping to go to the institute, he becomes uglier than before.

Notice that there are people who were not born to be rich, and end up becoming so and in the end, end up poor. Now you say: "-Bad businesses!" Yes, they got poor because of this or that reason, but always reasons done by nature, because everyone is ruled by nature and made by her. These are the true things, natural.

When a tree is born to be small and grows too much it falls, because the tree that is born to be big already brings its construction and roots to withstand all kinds of weather and the small one has its nature made according to its size.

And such are these variations among the living beings, many wanting to be what they were not born for. The living being born to be good is always good and the living being born to be evil is always evil. The tree born to bear thorns always will bear thorns. And everything is like that.

Then the living being says: "-What a disappointment to those who were born to be poor!" It is no disappointment, but a natural factor. The natural factor is what needs to be. That is why the night is night and the day is day. The sun is from one extreme and the moon from another; land from another and water from another.

The extremes are all different, that is why each one has his sign. Those who have the sign of the sun are very happy and those who were born with the sign of the moon are unhappy. Those who were born with the sign of the stars are very unhappy and those who were born with the sign of earth are even unhappier. And so, each one with his own planet, with his sign; each one living in accordance with his own natural formation, made by nature.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Eis aí, simples dados para conhecerem temperamentos e o porquê da incompatibilidade de idéias que vão pelo mundo. ...