Blog de Divulgação da Cultura Racional. Livros Universo em Desencanto
"Onde está o atraso, está o sofrimento, ninguém se compreende, ninguém se entende. E na mesma hora que estão se entendendo, desentendem-se. Isto é prova de que não estão adiantados, pois se estivessem, pois se estivessem, entender-se-iam muito bem. Onde há desastres não há adiantamento porque o atrasado é que não sabe o que faz e por não saber, sofre as consequências dos desastres. Por conseguinte, está visto que todos caminham em multiplicações de ruínas, por viverem num mundo de atrasados.
O mundo não tem adiantamento de espécie alguma e só a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, com o tempo, equilibrará todos pelos métodos e meios Racionais." (Pág.193/194, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).
CONSIDERAÇÕES: Esses esclarecimentos são necessários para que todos entendam, compreendam e possam distinguir bem as coisas. O mundo atravessa momentos difíceis, todos sabemos os motivos e as causas e a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL já chegou ao mundo, todavia, o mundo ainda não está por conta da IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, o que bem pouco falta!
Assim sendo, é preciso distinguir o joio do trigo, posto que relativamente à situação de desequilíbrio, falência e liquidação moral, física e financeira, que fazem parte integrante da nossa realidade atual e mundial, convém lembrarmos que existem duas fases no mundo: uma de RECUPERAÇÃO e RESTAURAÇÃO da humanidade e outra de liquidação dos feitos da fase que terminou, que foi a fase de Animal Racional, a fase da civilização.
A fase de recuperação é a Fase Racional, a fase da paz, do amor, da fraternidade e da concórdia universal pelo desenvolvimento do Raciocínio, obtido por meio da leitura diária dos Livros Universo em Desencanto. Nesta fase, estão em ação na Terra os Habitantes do Mundo Racional, que são nossos irmãos de origem, seres puros, limpos e perfeitos, de um mundo muito superior ao nosso, que é o MUNDO RACIONAL, de onde tudo e todos somos originários! Então, os Habitantes do Mundo Racional estão socorrendo a humanidade, protegendo, amparando, guardando, guiando e orientando, para que a humanidade possa se recuperar, ingressando na Fase Racional.
Mas este Mundo é uma deformação Racional e por isso tem sua parte bruta, sua parte doente, sua parte má e o mal por si mesmo se destrói, por si mesmo vai se destruindo, até chegar no seu ponto final de destruição, o que bem pouco falta. Então, quem não conhece os movimentos naturais da Natureza pensa que o mundo está prestes a se acabar. Não, o mundo não está prestes a se acabar porque está aí a FASE DE RECUPERAÇÃO! O que está prestes a se acabar são os feitos da fase que terminou; o que está prestes a se acabar é a parte do mal, ou o mal, esse é que está se acabando para ser banido da face da Terra!
Mas infelizmente, não se pode fazer uma omelete sem que se quebrem os ovos!
Sempre que a Natureza muda de fase, ocorrem transtornos na vida da humanidade, porque a Natureza precisa pôr fim aos feitos de uma fase atrasada, para implantar as bases de outra fase superior. Foi assim que se deu quando a Natureza terminou a fase dos selvagens para implantar a fase da civilização! Agora, a Natureza está concluindo todo esse processo de mudanças de fases e ingressou na etapa final da evolução da humanidade, mudando da fase de Animal Racional para a Fase Racional, que é a última fase da vida da matéria, a fase em que toda a humanidade vai conhecer o mundo de nossa raça e saber como voltar para Ele! Porque somos de raça Racional e por isso fomos classificados de Animais Racionais!
Assim sendo, a Fase Racional é a fase dos Habitantes do Mundo Racional, os verdadeiros Donos do Mundo e que estão trabalhando noite e dia e dia e noite para a recuperação do mundo e de toda a humanidade! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).
Saudações Racionais a todos!
"In this world, peace, tranquility, and lasting joy are only in name, and that is why everything ends, everything changes, everything is so vague, like water that runs downhill and never returns.
Therein lies the enchantment; and here in this Rational Writing, the disenchantment. Disenchantment is everything and enchantment is nothing. Disenchantment puts everything into Rational form and enchantment has always put everything out of shape, multiplying evil, polishing savagery for more multiplication of ruins.
But now, here is the SUPERIOR RATIONAL, bringing this Writing to the knowledge of all, for the satisfaction of all, for the glory of all, for the glorification, for the eternal salvation of all, for Universal Redemption. Here is the knowledge of where they came from and where they are going, how they came and how they are going, the beginning and the end of the world, of everyone and of everything." (Page 195, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).
CONSIDERATIONS: So, the inevitable question arises: what is an enchanted being? An enchanted being is one who lives under an infinity of mysteries, enigmas, phenomena, infinite and transfinite, without knowing how to solve them and without knowing where to find the solutions to solve them; one who was born into this world without knowing why or for what; one who does not know the reason for his existence in this world and the reason for the existence of this world; one who does not know everything before he was, what he was. Before being a "man", what he was, before being a "woman", what he was. Before being the Sun, Moon, Stars, water, earth, animals and plants, what they were; He is the one who lives as a sufferer and mortal and does not know the reason for suffering and death, as well as what he must do to stop being a sufferer and stop being a mortal; he is the one who does not know where he came from, does not know his beginning, how it was, where he originated and what his end will be; he is the one who does not know where he will go after death; he is the one who does not know if there is life after death; he is the one who does not know the beginning of this world, how it was and why it was, what are the causes of its formation and generation; he is the one who does not know if there is intelligent life outside of Earth and, if there is, in what conditions it finds itself and what to do to get in touch with it.
In short, the enchanted being is all of this and other things, which prevent him from truly knowing himself! And because the enchanted being lives in these conditions and does not find answers to all these questions, he thinks and judges that life is just like this and that he will never go beyond this condition!
Now, the disenchantment of the enchanted being has arrived on Earth and the disenchantment is solving, based on logic, with clear and crystalline evidence, all these questions of the enchanted being! Here is one of the reasons why this Book is entitled UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!
(By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.
Rational Greetings to all!
"Therefore, the intelligent living being, the king of the wise, never gets upset about anything. The mediocre living being gets upset about everything and suffers the consequences of his mediocrity. The living being who has Rational balance does not give importance to the mediocre, to what they do, to what they say; instead, he sees the mediocre as he should be seen.
See, therefore, that the world is so far from Rational balance. And so, they live like beasts, in disagreements, without knowing what they are doing, without knowing that all this is useless. And so, conscience always disfavors the living being. If everything were profoundly dominated by conscience, it is clear, it is clear, that there would be no injustices. If conscience existed, there would be no greed, ambition or betrayal." (Page 128/129, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).
CONSIDERATIONS: In the teachings contained in the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, by Cultura Racional, we learn that the world is going through a transition between a phase of moral, physical and financial liquidation and another of recovery! And look at what a beautiful lesson RATIONAL SUPERIOR, the author of the Book, presents us with in this magnificent passage, portraying the current picture of the world in which we live! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).
"In the world, there is already too much calamity; injustices come in all forms; tortures come in all forms, precisely because of envy, greed and ambition.
Those who deserve to be punished are not punished, and those who do not deserve it are punished. Those who deserve to be punished are those who do not pay, and those who do not deserve it are those who pay; those who deserve it have comfort relative to their needs, and those who do not deserve it have too much; those who work, strive, struggle, lose their health and lives in the effort to work, deserve nothing, and those who do none of this, deserve everything and have the right to enjoy life in the best way they understand, giving expansion to their ideals and their desires." "What we see in the world is the reign of greed and ambition; and so some want a piece of bread, no matter how hard it is, and they don't have it; they go and scavenge in the trash cans of those who have it to throw away, subjecting themselves to eating the leftovers of those who have plenty. Some want warm clothes, but they don't have them, and they die of cold and hunger; others have it to throw away. Some want medicine and they don't have it; they die because they can't get treatment, and others throw their money away."
"So, as a universal corrective to humanity, Mars came to martyr everyone in such a way that they will be forced to seek another, gentler way of life in order to live. The Planet Mars came to put an end to universal injustice, where the just pay for the sinner, due to greed, envy and ambition, which devours the innermost being of people. So, the influence of Mars can be called the Justice of heaven, the Justice of Nature, the Natural Justice, which never fails, because Mars will take over and put an end to all of this in a short time; with the will of free will without limits, emperor of ruins".
"And in this period of time, in this distressing situation throughout the world, this Writing UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT begins to emerge among everyone. The people, searching for a better way to live, no longer able to bear the suffering, embrace it wholeheartedly!" (RATIONAL SUPERIOR). Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria. Translated by: Joyce Barros.
Rational greetings to all!
SEEING AND TALKING TO THE RATIONAL SUPERIOR The Rational Fluid is entering the ‘I’ of the person, and disconnecting form the body of the p...