Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 12 de maio de 2018



Mankind has always lived unaware of the TRUTH of the TRUTHS, reason why its life, from the beginning, was characterized by an incessant search to unravel the mysteries, phenomena and riddles.
And within that search, the humans continued developing. They developed imagination in the First Millennium, thought in the second Millennium and, with the evolution of thought, they believed they had already attained the Reasoning Development.
But this did not happen, for the mysteries, phenomena and riddles were lingering until 1935.
Why 1935?
For the fact, my dear friends, that in 1935, Nature changed Phase, ending the phase of thought, the Second Millennium, to enter the Third Millennium, the Rational Phase, the phase of the Reasoning, unraveling all mysteries, phenomena, and puzzles, which prevented the human beings from knowing and balancing themselves.
And it is since then that the Rational Phase warns us to take notice of this change and to keep ourselves updated with this New Phase, to know that the First and Second Millennium were left in the past, giving place to the New Phase, which is the Third Millennium, bringing to all humanity their FINAL AND TRUE GUIDANCE we have always been looking for.
And it is through this orientation that humanity will acquire the true and final wisdom, which is contained in the Book of the Third Millennium, Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture, the natural transcendental culture of Nature, where everyone begins to know themselves and know who we, humans, really are, where we came from and where we are going, and still, how we left the world where we lived to becoming completely blindfolded today.
And these blindfolded eyes never allowed us to reach the True Origin of Humanity, which is described in details in the Book Universe in Disenchantment, as well as the revelation of the formation of everything that exists in this world in which we live, how it was made and who made it.
The ignorance of all this is what resulted in the creation of appearances, illusions, distractions, causing humanity to go during all this time in devastating blindness, which, by the way, was necessary for humanity to be polished by the suffering. They would die without the knowledge of the TRUTH, which until 1935 had not yet been on Earth.
Now, yes, the TRUTH is already among us, of which we had only had a fleeting glimpse.
And it has come to our knowledge thanks to the arrival of the Rational Phase of the Third Millennium to guide all the rational living beings indistinctly.
All humanity must seek to know this New Phase, through the Book of this new phase which is the Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture, which is the litigation of THE RATIONAL ENERGY, which is the energy of the Reasoning, which is why it is the only one that has the power to develop and evolve.
That is why this ENERGY is the LIGHT OF THE UNIVERSAL REDEMPTION and it has come to enlighten all humanity where our True Life and our True Origin is.
The development of our Reasoning is the ONLY LADDER we have to get back to where we left.
My friend, life is short and passes by quickly. Today you hop, jump, run, do whatever you want, saying: “I’m the best.” Tomorrow life will charge on your bad deeds, the age will come and, little by little, without realizing it, you get old.
And then, goodbye world.
So, my friend, come to know yourself, as soon as possible, grabbing this Book, which will give you proves of your real origin. At this point in time with the change of the phase in Nature, we only have two options: either we return to where we left, or we remain connected with these two energies of the floor, the electric and magnetic energies – thought  and imagination.
And to return to where we left, we have to connect with the RATIONAL ENERGY, which is the only ENERGY that has the power to make our return to the RATIONAL WORLD, which is the world from where we left to give cause to this world of suffering in which we live.
So, my friend, do you still want to continue here in this world of suffering?
Go in search of your Book Universe in Disenchantment and read it with all attention and gratitude, because without the knowledge that this great book brings us, there is no more possibility of anyone being happy and balanced.
The Book is Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture.
This is the Book!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:


O livro-deus - inglês


  133. WHAT DOES UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT MEAN? There it is, the universal definition. The definition of the disenchantmen Everyone at his...