Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018



Then, what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION? It is a focus of light from the Rational part.
And how is this focus? This focus of light is, in a simple comparison, like an Earth search-light. The living creature becomes illuminated with this kind of searche-light which is mad from the Rational part much above this vacuum. By means of this light everything is  transmitted from the Rational part to the spokes-persons there of the Earth.
It is called then: RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. At first, an invisible search-light is formed. After a certain time, the living creature starts to see, more or less, a silvery light, very bright and which is named RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. After everyone becomes, immunized, everyone will be illuminated by this light which is the Rational Light.
This is a simple comparison for the analysis of how the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is made, that the living creature at first does not see but feels it.
Now you ask: "And the living creature becomes illuminated night and day by this light?" I say: yes!
And so, after all have been universally immunized, the light of the sun will diminish much, it will start to almost extinguish itself on account of predominating over it a superior light which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.
And you still ask: "And will there be shocks on nature?" No! Everything will be modified naturally and this way you will feel no shock of any sort. Once the door up here open, it is meant to embrace everyone universally. Then, you say: "We want to get to know this entire RATIONAL PLAIN up there and much beyond still." And l say: you have never known this word that you inhabit there and already you want to know up here without beings here?
You have always lived in this word, learning until dying, without knowing anything and for that reason the mysteries there were always kept, you always had this word as a mysterious nature. Your never knew how you were made, how this word was made, or who made you. You did not know where you came from or to where you are going. You did not know why you lived in this word and in those conditions.
You still do not know everything of this word that you inhabit and already you want to know everything here of the Rational part? How can it be? When you are here, you will know everything, bit by bit, of the Rational  part; the reason why it is this way here and much beyond still. To want to reach that which there is above the RATIONAL PLAIN means the living creature is blind and imprudent.
The living creature requests: "Ha! I want, ate least through describing, to be told how it is." Well! Here they are, in the Scripturation, the most clear data, with veritable and verified bases, that the theory is very good but practice is better. The mania of many is to want to start where the others finish, and they have lived in this word for such ages without ever  unshrounding their beginning and their end, and already they want to know it there where they are not it yet. As l explained to you, the plain up here is very large, much larger than this word there that you inhabit. The progress is different. The bodies are pure, clean and perfect, without defects. Life is of purity and there is no suffering of any sort. They are eternal. They are not beasts, even less there exists two sexes; it is a single being. The nourishement is much different from this one utilized there, as much different are the living creatures that unhabit here in this plain. Don't you see the sun? It is a living creature; and much above him, in the Rational part, there are other beings. But different are these bodies, they are not beasts. Like the sun: it has no legs nor arms, and yet it moves.
These are necessary explanations because there are living creatures that the more one explains, the more they want explanations, and others with half a dozen words at once get to the end of the subject and understand everything.
There exists quite rude natures, others less rude; some with the ease of reaching in hours what others take months and years to reach.
These data are for all to read. I have to answer better than you desire, making you know what is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and how it is made in the living creatures. I have made this insignificant  comparison with a search-light because thus, there are understandings with the spokes-persons.


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