Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2018



The radio is an electric and magnetic apparatus the same as the humam being; an electric and magnetic apparatus that only transmita that which  tche broadcast station wants, and thus are the electric and magnetic apparatuses of Rational origin and because of that, you are Rational animals that, once immunized, will receive the orientations, transmissions, the dialogues, lhe conferences from the broadcasting station of the RATIONAL PLAIN. Hypothetically: the RATIONAL PLAIN is the broadcasting station and the human beings down here, the electric and magnetic fluidical apparatuses.
But, in order for that to happen, in order to make this contact, it is necessary knowing what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION in order to become immunized and thence receiving all the orientations from the RATIONAL PLAIN, from the place of your origin, and because of that you are Rational animals, because you came out of the RATIONAL PLAIN.
The origin is Rational. You only need to know what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION in order to become immunized and you will receive all the orientations required for the equilibrium of life, all the necessary conferences and all the necessary enlightenments for the equilibrium of everyone.
Therefore, you are electric and magnetic apparatuses; you will be oriented from the basis of origin, let's say, from the Rational broadcasting station, from the RATIONAL PLAIN. A simple comparison with the radio apparatus that only transmits that which the broadcasting stations want, because of being electric and magnetic. And the human being, who is an electric and magnetic apparatus, is a body in electric and magnetic fluidical matter that transmits what he receives, all that which is necessary, from the RATIONAL PLAIN. But the immunized ones have, for example, to be in touch with the Rational broadcasting station. 
And so, arriving for the equilibrium of everyone or being there everyone's equilibrium, for you will receive all that which is needed and  necessary for the equilibrium and the good march of this life, for this frightful enchantment is in the end, frightful because of your being living, because of your having long been living as Rational animals without knowing anything about the origin of this being, about the origin of your being and the beings that compose the world, making there a mystery of everything, maintaining  the mysteries, living the same as a beast because of not knowing how to solve the mysteries, the enigmas.
Now, knowing everything, everything clear, everything putting you in the way to arrive to your true places, from Rational animals to pure, clean and perfect Rationals, our basis of origin.
Through the deformation there arose this enigmatic, mysterious, seeming everything, for there you live and there you  were living without knowing from were all this originated, from were all this arose. Still living the weak experiences and always remaining the same  because it is enough being deformed in order for everything to always remain the same and go from worse to worse, because the deformation is an evil...

To be continued
1° Volume
Universos in Disenchantment

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 (562) 818-4731


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "E assim, todos encabrestados no mundo das ilusões, iludidos por tudo na vida e recebendo os efeitos dessas ilusões...