Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2018



The life and the organization of the organic beings is in such a way that the organic beings make confusions with life. Life has its very clear organizations for he who knows how to live. But, for he who does not know how to live, it becomes disorganized and the organic beings reing on fencing, on the fencing of life.
In order for life to be well formed, well constituted, firm, equilibrated to the good living, it is necessary that the organic beings and the organizations be all parallel or adequate to the mannet that life is constituted; because life is also constituted of several organizations and several means of the power of life. The power of life rests on that which the organizations can correspond to in order to be equivalent to life.
What good does it do the living creature to have life, to live and not know how to live? It does not do any good. Because the more he tries to organize himself in life, the more he disorganizes himself, and  disorganizing himself, the more and more suffering has been engulfing him.
It is like the tide, always against the tide, in a stormy sea. And so, these tempests that prevail on the life of the living creature that sinks this precious life, by these storms made because of not knowing how to live, and the living creature remains imagining and saying: " The more l look for the good, the more it gets distant from me, the farther it becomes or maybe in the infinitive because l cannot see what l am going to do with life." And the living creature remains in this bitter  twilight, in this dream of a desperate sufferer, in this dream of tears, in this infernal nightmare, thinking about an infinitude of things and not knowing how to solve his ideal.


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