Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 30 de junho de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
Tradução: Joyce Barros


"And so the world that is a bird, that created all these birds that pass by, are born, grow, die and disappear, and the world being a bird, creating all these birds, had to make known to the living that this As the world is a bird, maker of these birds and all the branches, they had to know, as they will know, as they are beginning to know, that this world is passenger and the world will end, all passengers will arrive, arriving in their places, which is the Rational part, already clarified. " (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, page 31).

CONCLUSION: The human being always thought that the world is the same and that life is that same! So thinking, he sought to create all possible comfort to establish himself here in this world. But you forgot that in this world, nothing is eternal! Everything here is fleeting and we must know the reason! Here we are born, we grow and we die, because from this world we are not no! If we went from here, no one would suffer and no one would die, we would not be mortals; we would have the right to live and we would be eternal, then! The creative bird is fleeting, like everything in this world! And because he was a passenger, he created everything with one condition: everything here would change until it reached its real condition! So, we must conclude that this world was made, but it is not for anyone to live in it eternally no! This world was made so that one day we could understand and understand that from the Creator we can not move away! He allowed us to live here, because to our wishes and our likes, without limits, we wanted to expand! We have made use of freedom without limit and we have reached this condition! But now he came to get us and that is why IMMUNIZATION has come!

Rational Greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...