Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 27 de julho de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


"All are electrical and magnetic devices formed by this nature, which is an electrical and magnetic set, and so one is in contact with these two electric and magnetic forces and so the thought does not stop, because it is always radiating with these two currents. Thus, one is immunized by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is of the true natural, of one's being. " (Volume 1, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT , p. 59).

CONCLUSION: The thought phase ended in 1935, and the human being did not realize, did not feel, did not know and did not know! But humanity is feeling the effects of the end of the thought phase in daily life.

Because the thought phase is over, the world has entered the age of fire (everything catches fire and conflicts are resolved by the power of fire), in the age of save who you can and if you can! And thinking, no one can find a solution to anything - it's discussion after discussion that doesn't solve the crucial problems of human existence.
Because the thought is over, it has generated the imbalance, bankruptcy and the physical, moral and financial liquidation of humanity! And so there are disasters, diseases and natural and artificial evils destroying the thinkers! And why is this happening? Because nature has changed phase, and when that happens, nature tries to settle the achievements of the phase that has ended. When nature finished the monsters phase, it tried to settle all monsters; when the savage phase was over, he tried to liquidate the savages; Now nature has finished the thought phase and is trying to destroy the thinkers. And why does nature operate these natural movements? Because we are not legitimate beings of this world and man is an unfinished work of nature! Nature has programmed three cycles of life, of evolution, for man to return to his legitimate state of being Rational, pure, clean and perfect! In the first cycle, imagination was developed; In the second cycle thought was developed, and now the third cycle, the development of reasoning (the substitute for thought and imagination)!
With the development of Reasoning humanity will recover, because reasoning is balance, it is the supreme part of the human being. With the developed reasoning cease all the evils that have been affecting humanity since the human being starts to live in favor of nature, being supported by her, guarded by her, guided by her and guided by her to her complete and total happiness.

My friends, nature does not want anyone else thinking (so she has finished the thought phase) but all thinking! Whoever keeps thinking is lost, because he is against nature and living against nature is living like the tide, always against the tide, in a rough sea, that is, living against himself and against everything and everyone!
Let us remember that to think is to deny God's right to live and to ration!

The thought phase has come to an end, and so thinkers have lost the right to live!

So lets reason my friends, reading and rereading the Universe Books in Disenchantment, Rational Culture, the Culture of the Third Millennium, the Third Cycle of Life, the Culture of the development of the Reasoning of all humanity!

Rational greetings to all!

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