Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
Tradução: Joyce Barros


"There is up here a great plain where the Rational people live, much greater than this world." They live with their progress of purity, yes, pure, clean, without defects, different from this bicharada. A few Rational people entered this area several times and were called attention, and at one time did not heed the call of attention, beginning to progress on their own, and this part, not being ready for The beginning and origin of this world was thus. " (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 38).

CONCLUSION: In order to understand this description, it is necessary to base ourselves on the fact that we are talking about the before being of our Universe, that Solar System and its nebulae, its planets, its galaxies, its worlds! Well, before all this exists, what existed was and is the RATIONAL WORLD (with its plains and a plain that was not yet ready to be progressed). It was from this plain that was not yet ready to be progressed that, through the action of a few Racionais in advancing it, all of our Universe, the entire Solar System, this field of life and everything in it has been derived! Note that a few Rationals undertook progress action to clear the plain that was not yet ready to be advanced (even though they were called to attention by the RATIONAL SUPERIOR), but so many Racionais did not, and they continued to live with their progress of purity, cleanliness, and perfection (where they live to this day) on the plain that is up there, far above and far above the Sun. So those Rationals who have remained and remain there (and who are called Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD) are performing here on Earth in the form of luminous bodies to prepare all mankind to get in touch with Them! BUT WHAT ARE THESE LUMINOUS BODIES APPEARING THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD?
For some time, humanity has seen lights appear in space, in the firmament and is curious to know what it is. In the anxiety of wanting to explain these apparitions, the human being began to identify these lights by different names: OVNIS, UFOs, ALIENIGENOUS BEINGS, EXTRATERRESTRIALS etc.
And none of these LIGHT BODIES are!
But why do we make such a statement? Because humanity is unaware of the existence of a phase change in nature. And this change is responsible for the ethereal-psychic elevation of the egrégora of our world; by the alignment of the planets; by the appearance of these LIGHT BODIES moving in the firmament, in space, at speeds above the speed of light and for other more!

So, you may be asking yourself: where did this guy get this information from? What is he basing himself to say that? The answer is simple: in the Culture of these LIGHT BODIES! Yes friends, these LIGHT BODIES have their Culture, because they are beings of a world far superior to ours, that is the RATIONAL WORLD (a world that gave consequence to the universe in which we live) and that Culture of them now arrived at the Earth!

These LIGHT BODIES are pure, clean and perfect beings, they are Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, the world of the true origin of humanity, which is of Rational origin! And because we are of Rational origin, we are in this class of animal of Rational origin.

Then the human being is wondering: what are these LIGHT BODIES; where they come from; what they want; what they are announcing; why do not they speak to mankind; where do they go; Why do they move in space like lightning?

Therefore, it is necessary to clarify that these LIGHT BODIES, which present themselves in various forms, in different ways, in different ways and in different colors, have their Culture! And the Culture of them is the Rational Culture, contained in Books Universe in Disenchantment! This Culture develops the Reasoning of the human being, so that the human being and all of humanity can communicate with them, as well as in this Culture are found, based and with logic, all the answers to the questionings made about their existence!

Rational Greetings to all!

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