Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
Tradução: Joyce Barros


"Mysteries are there because they are unveiled within this world, which is a puzzle and everyone is enigmatic." Why are they all enigmatic because their formation and the formation of everything there remains mysteriously mysterious bodies because no one ever knew who made them. or how they appeared there in this world.Every human being is an enigmatic being, for being mysteriously in these conditions, not knowing how it was made, how it was formed, what it was formed, nor why it was formed. " (1st volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, page 49).

CONCLUSION: All this happened because of a EUPHEMISM called "MYSTERY"!
A euphemism, my friends, is a figure of speech very common in Brazil that is used to soften, soften an unpleasant word or idea. And it is better known than you can imagine! How many times have we already said that "so-and-so went for the better" (died); or "So-and-so is at God's side" (went to heaven); or, more up-to-date, "so-and-so enriched by illicit means" (robbed)!

Now, did you know that there is a euphemism that went through the history of the philosophical and scientific evolution of man and humanity and which has remained to this day? That euphemism, my friends, is called "MYSTERY"! Yes, that's right: MYSTERY!

If not, let us see: why the existence of life, the human being and the world? Why the woman, the why of man and how they were made and formed, and before they were male and female, what were they? How were the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Earth, the water, the animals and the plants made, and before they were what they were, what were they? Where did the human being come from, how did he come, why did he come, where did he go, how did he go, and why did he go? These questions and more were great mysteries for our culture.

And why is the word "MYSTERY" a great euphemism? Because until then our knowledge did not have sufficient resources to respond, based on logic, evidence and evidence to all these questions and more! We did not have enough knowledge to solve this existential problem of human life! Then we would say, "Oh, this is a mystery"; "these are unspeakable mysteries"; "these are mysteries of God"; "God gives no confidence to anyone to enter into his mysteries"! How many times do we say that? And you know why, my friend? Because, in fact, we did not mean that we did not know, that we did not know, that we did not know, we did not have the solution! We used the euphemism !!!

Today, humanity enjoys the good winds of a new era, a new phase, a new millennium and with this new millennium (the third millennium) the human being completes and ends his stage of evolution as a Rational being that has always been and that always will be!

And in this new Millennium, which is the Rational Phase, the human being will find the solutions to all the mysteries, because at this stage he will come to know and know the truth of the truths about his existence; about the existence of this life; about the existence of the world in which he lives; about the universe and about the existence of the true world of origin of humanity!

This Millennium brings in a new way of life for the human being, a Rational, balanced, conscious life, where he will come to know and know everything, stamped by stains, based on logic, proofs and a myriad of proofs , to satisfy the most demanding researchers! This Millennium also brings to the knowledge of humanity a new Culture, a Culture of a World far superior to ours, which is the World of the true origin of humanity and the universe (THE RATIONAL WORLD) and this Culture, my friend, is Culture Rational, which is contained in the Universe Books in Disenchantment!

Rational Greetings to all!


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