Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 21 de julho de 2019


( Antonio  dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


The seven parts of why they are so, that they are thus made of these seven parts together. , making the formation of all bodies, or of the animal body, that has origin or origin of Rational. Therefore, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is for everyone, because the bodies are there made for it, depending on it, as you already know. " (1st Volume Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, page 69).

CONCLUSION: In this section, it is evident the need to know the RATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE HUMAN BEING!

In the cultural teachings contained in the Universe Books in Disenchantment, of Rational Culture, we learn that the human being and all of humanity, as well as the universe, are of Rational origin! And because we are of this origin, we are in this class of life: of animal Rational or, rather, of animals of Rational origin. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to know and to know our double characteristic, as well as where is the animal part and where is the Rational part! The animal part is from below, from matter, from the earthy galaxy; and the Rational part is above, above this earthly galaxy, the world of our origin, which is the RATIONAL WORLD!

The first steps towards this Great Discovery are being given now, with the advent of a New Age, a New Phase, a New Evolutionary Cycle of Man, the World and the Universe: THE RATIONAL PHASE! In this PHASE, the complete definition, the complete genesis, from beginning to end on the formation of the Universe, the World and Man! At this stage, all the precise and complete clarifications about the human-animal dichotomy and human-Rational!

In the cultural teachings of this Great Work, all the knowledge about the Before Being! Before it was Sun, it was; before being Moon, that was; before they were Stars, they were; before it was Water, it was; before being Earth, that was; before being Animal; what it was and before it was Vegetable, it was. Not forgetting the Planets too, before they are what they are, what they were! Finally we human beings, before we are what we are, what we were and how we were and how we got to this class we are, totally decayed, degenerate and deformed from our normal and natural condition of pure, clean and perfect Rational Beings , with our progress of purity!

Therefore, pure, clean and perfect Rational is the ascendancy of every human being, so it must be considered respected , and that now, in the brilliant pages of the Universe Books in Disenchantment, we know how we recover and return to our level of Rational Ancestry!

Rational Greetings to all!


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