Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2019


Racional Fluid

Therefore, strive to immunize yourselves, to know your true natural in order to acquire the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the Rational Fluid, so tu Ar everything will work out rigth in the life of everyone. The Rational Fluid is positive and the electric and magnetic fluid is negative because of being deformed,because you are beings there of the deformation and for that reason you were living there constantly without regulation, owing to the electric and magnetic fluid. The magnetic fluid brings sadness, annoyances, contrarieties, disanimation, agony, bad dreams, bad thoughts, disturbing thoughts, distrusts, fear, it brings everything of bad. All this, effect of the magnetic fluid and that is why the human being becomes withouts equilibrium, due to the magnetic fluid that only brings disturbances  to the humam being because of it being more evil than the electric fluid. The electric fluid is bad because it is deformed and the magnetic fluid still much worse because in it, are all the evils; it is the destroying fluid.

To eliminate the influence of reuse two fluids, only the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION fluid; then it eliminates these two, because the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION fluid is of a superior category because it is not from the electric and magnetic here, it is from the RATIONAL PLAIN, it is from the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, it is only the good, and everyone going from the good to the better always. Thus the equilibrium, like no one has ever had it before, and then everyone from the good to the better um the whole world through the orientations and conferences made with the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION inside one's inner being, inside one's being that communicates with one's exterior, and that comes from the interior, from inside one's being, that is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

By Cotinued
Universe in Disenchantment

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