Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


"Fluid of the day, electric. Fluid of the night, magnetic. The day is hot and the night is cold. The positive with the negative. Now you say: -" Fantastic! "So, wait calmly that all knowledge will be realized; all knowledge will be given to you. Then they say, "Fantastic! Extraordinary! "I warn everyone not to argue, much less to give their opinions so as not to err but rather to be enlightened than they do not know about this Scripture. The greatest fortune in the whole world is there, which is Rational Knowledge, the knowledge that all need; the beginning of everything and the end of everything. " (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 56).

CONCLUSION: So the question is: what is Rational Knowledge based on? It is based on true personality, since in Rational Knowledge are all the bases of being supreme to all and to all to understand and understand, where they all came from and how they came from, where they all go and how they go! This is only possible in the Rational Knowledge contained in Rational Culture, a Culture which many, because they do not know it, think is a new religion, sect or doctrine! Therefore, in order to clarify any doubts that may exist, we go to the second part of the text "RATIONAL CULTURE IS NOT RELIGION, IS NOT SECT AND DOCTRINE".

Framing is a natural tendency of people to know something new and unpublished, that is, they seek in their reference points and traditional knowledge an identification or justification to explain, define everything that is new and unknown. This insecurity and need to label everything within patterns that are already known and dominated, makes people not realize that nature is transformational, where nothing is repeated. The patterns of yesterday and now, created by imagination and thought, do not have sufficient basis and structure to serve as a reference point for manifestations of life today and tomorrow, respectively. So, in their haste to classify what they do not know, some have insisted that RATIONAL CULTURE is a sect, sometimes it is religion, doctrine, and so on. And none of that RATIONAL CULTURE is. And, based on the Dictionary of Aurelio Buarque de Holanda (was a Brazilian philologist and lexicologist), we explain why. (CONTENT BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING ASPECTS IS TRANSCRIPTION OF THIS DICTIONARY).

    In relation to the sect.

"Doctrine or system that diverges from the general opinion and followed by all."

Rational culture, as proved earlier, is not the Doctrine. It is a knowledge of peace, love and brotherhood that everyone wants and seeks. It is a knowledge in favor of logic, reason, concord among peoples, which even in law, throughout time, humanity has been defending as necessary for the preservation of life. It is against nothing, against no system and proves that all are necessary for the stoning of humanity and its preparation in order to understand that out of nature nothing works, there is no balance, there is no peace. Therefore, RATIONAL CULTURE is not against anything, nor is it fair to put these existing systems in balance with the Rational animal and its consequent harmony with nature.

"Set of individuals who profess the same doctrine."

Professing means publicly acknowledging. Now, who is dedicated to the study of RATIONAL CULTURE is because it has naturally identified with the truths that it contains. Because RATIONAL CULTURE does not depend on recognition or consideration, because truth is independent of any recognition. It exists and by itself is enough. It does not need beings, but beings do need it. It is a powerful and natural force that gives cause, origin and basis to all existences.

As the air that feeds all, indistinctly and independently of any recognition or consideration. In the air, no matter what they say about it, atheists and religious, poets and businessmen, the rich and the poor, men and women. They have opinions about it, but none of them will alter the truth of air and it will interfere with its function. Being Rational is not wasting time with comments drawn from imagination and thought and seeking to know it as it is, to harmonize with it. And yet, already proven, RATIONAL CULTURE is not a Doctrine.

"Closed community of radical nature".
RATIONAL CULTURE is a Culture and not a community. A Higher Culture, therefore, open and is against nothing and nobody, is for everything and everyone. It proves that everything is accurate and necessary, deserving respect and therefore not radical.

"Theory of a master followed by numerous proselytes".

RATIONAL CULTURE is not theory because it is not hypothesis or assumption nor does it depend on demonstrations. Those who study themselves cannot be called proselytes, because proselytes are individuals converted to a doctrine, idea, or system; a sectarian, adept, partisan. There is no conversion to RATIONAL CULTURE because it is the knowledge that completes all human beings and universalizes, that is, unifies existing knowledge. RATIONAL CULTURE unites, ends differences, sectarianism that brings conflict to humanity, it unites all existing parts without underestimating them. So there is no conversion but a real appreciation of life through the awareness of existence.

Rational greetings to all!

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