Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


"They smell the perfume, which is the fluid, but they do not see the fluid of the perfume. The smell is the consequence of the perfume. They see the perfume, but the smell is not all at all. in every way and in every way, to know that from the fluid were born beings and beings are consequences of the fluids that, in turn, form the bodies, form lives that generated this all existing formation in the world, because they are in the fluids and in the fluids is the origin of everything. In the fluid is the most powerful force in the universe, which is the set of fluids generated from these seven parts and the consequence of this formation. " (1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 55/56).

CONCLUSION: Nature (water, earth, air) is composed of several chemical elements, which also make up the human body. Some of them: Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, iron, calcium, iron, etc. In the life of matter nothing is over, everything is transformed. Everything is diluted, because it is formed by deleterious viruses and micro-viruses and so appears and disappears, has life and loses life, everything dilates and decomposes. Before being matter is energy, energy composed of these fluidic chemical elements, which are thus formed by invisible viruses and micro-viruses. How to understand that a physical body is composed of the same chemical elements existing in nature? First we need to understand that the human being is born breathing air, which is the essential fluidic element for the maintenance and ostentation of the physical body, being this food of the same chemical composition that constitutes the body. Semen (sperm, seed of material life) is made up of these same chemical elements existing in nature through respiration, which is made not only by the nostrils, but throughout the body. Through natural action, trillions of invisible viruses and micro-viruses come together, forming a compact mass, giving rise to a gum (fluidic visible matter). Therefore, invisible viruses and micro-viruses cause visible gum viruses and micro-viruses. One is the cause and the other is the effect, for there is no effect without a cause. And being the invisible viruses and micro-viruses of limited life and therefore constantly changing (from one form to another and from one life to another), at the end of their validity, they transform and retreat into space, cand their feat, which is the physical body, is gradually losing its support, until the total transformation, what we call death. Therefore everything in matter generates, is born, grows, matures, decreases and disappears. Therefore, the material bodies, including those of human beings, are not over, they gradually fade and only change. Why? Because viruses and micro-viruses are deleterious, they slowly dilute, putting an end to raw matter, and returning to space within this Rational deformation in which we live. Like clouds that are made up of millions of invisible viruses and micro-viruses that come together to form visible, short-lived gaseous clouds. These viruses and micro-viruses dilute rapidly, returning to what they were in the air. And so, in the life of matter, nothing is over, everything is transformed, everything is diluted, because everything is formed by viruses and deleterious micro-viruses, which are the fluids. And then one wonders: And where does this deformed fluidic nature, which gives rise to beings of raw matter, to physical bodies, originate? Although nature is made up of the same chemical elements that make up physical bodies, why doesn't it depend on us and we depend on it? Why do we depend on water like any other vegetable? What is the natural powerful force that constitutes the invisible action? Why does nature seem to be eternal and we are mortal, short lived, always transforming ourselves into other lives? These questions and a multitude of others left us in darkness, without clarification, without basis and logic, without proof and evidence, painting the world black, we lived in the dark. And today the darkness is ending! All white, all clear, all crystal clear, because all this is much more answered and unveiled in the Books Universe in Disenchantment.
(by Wilma Fernandes).

Rational greetings to all!

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