Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


"Now you ask: -" And how do they feed? For the scent of archhedral gases. - "And the sun?" Your livelihood is natural, because in your movement is your food. - "And the moon? Why does it wane, then fill and make these changes?" By virtue of its great magnetic action. When its radiation is very strong, it is very visible and as it transmits, it is waning. Receives the charge when it is filling, increases and after full begins to discharge. That's why the waning part is good for everything. The moon, because of its great magnetic action, is what moves everything and everyone. It is a magnetic body, like the female, which is also suitable for receiving the charge and discharge. When you are discharging, you are regulating with your moon until the charge is over. The charge is over, you don't see anything anymore and start charging again. And so is the moon; after being loaded one sees big and beautiful, and after being discharged one disappears and nothing else is seen. Do not disappear; seems to disappear because it is a magnetic effect body. Charged is visible and unload is invisible. In all these modifications, what is called a full moon arise when it is charged; growing quarter when it is loading; waning fourth, when discharging and new moon, when completely discharged, forming the four quarters of the Moon. And these movements are proportionate, because nature itself is an electric and magnetic assembly, working the Moon like a charging battery. and discharge by the effluvia of the waves and currents of nature itself".(1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 67/68).

CONCLUSION: And all these celestial beings are ceaseless spinning machines, the sun being a great aspiral, a great magnetic aspirator, just as the moon is another aspiral, another magnetic aspirator. All these beings are beings of their own life, each having its great influence upon everything in the life of matter and according to the formation of each of them. The Moon, because it is of the formation of the virtues of earth and water, is what moves everything related to both earth and water. It is well known that in order to plant a crop, or rather, that in order to obtain better development and income in agriculture, one must observe the quarters of the moon; as it is also known that tidal movements are regulated by the energetic force of the moon. The woman, the female, has her menstrual cycles, her ovulation periods regulated by her moon, directly influencing the production of hormones regulating the proper functioning of the body. female! Finally, as our world is an electric and magnetic fluidic set, being the most powerful force in this set, it is concluded that the moon is a magnetic body of great influence on all beings, due to the electric and magnetic fluids that she produces! And all of us human beings are connected in this electric and magnetic fluidic set, receiving day and night and night and day, all these charges, because we are electrical and magnetic devices that capture all these forces. This is why our thinking does not stop and we are variant beings! And the question that does not want to be silent: is there any possibility of regulation? Yes there is! Just plug in the Rational Fluid, which is superior to the electric and magnetic fluid. And to connect with Rational Fluid, just read and reread the Universe Books in disenchantment, inside our homes or wherever we are!

Rational greetings to all!

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