Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2019


 Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


Much joy in the whole world, many celebrations - not least - when they know this great reality: where they came from, how they came, why they came, where they are going, how they are going, and why they are going; which represents the acquittal to extermination. There will be no more mortal, for being there, the return to the place of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. In the world is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION; thus all going to their place of origin, which is the RATIONAL PLAN. Condemned to suffer and to die, they did not know why this condemnation and today, knowing, knowing and seeing why all this, why it is right. There is no effect without cause. If they were made under these conditions, it was because the cause existed. They are now knowledgeable about cause and effect." (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 77/78).

CONCLUSION: And this Great Reality, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, fills our hearts with joy and satisfaction as we find what humanity had long been searching for: Knowledge that would enlighten us on the basis of logic, proof, and proof, who we are. , where we came from, how we came, why we came, where we are going, how we are going and why we are going! This Knowledge, of the greatest universal grandeur, has now come to Earth, brought from a World Higher than ours, this World being the world of our true Rational origin; the world from which we all originate; the world from which we came and to which we will return, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. So, my friends, humanity lives in a unique moment, because it is on Earth, the Knowledge of the highest cultural relevance of all time! And this Knowledge was already announced many centuries ago by sages, philosophers, gurus and various religious segments, including Nostradamus. That day, one day would have to come, since the world has Owner and Owner would not let everyone live forever without knowing each other, without knowing where they came from and where they are going. But everything has its time, its day and its time! And the Owner was waiting for all humanity to develop and mature so that they could understand and understand a Knowledge of the greatest universal extent, as is Rational Knowledge! And the time has now come, so the world has entered a new age, a new millennium (the third millennium) and announcements of this new dawn, this new age, are being made all over the world. Therefore, as is well known in scientific circles in general, there was the alignment of the Planets, meaning that all are directed towards a single purpose; all are aligned to one goal; all are integrated into the universal unity, which is the RATIONAL WORLD - the world of the true origin of the Rational animal, which is us human beings! Beyond the alignment of the Planets, all of humanity is seeing appearing in the firmament, in the four corners of the world, several Luminous Bodies, which come in many forms, in different ways and in different colors and that, because we do not know them, we call them flying saucers, UFOs, alien beings, etc ... And today we know, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, that these Beings are the Dwellers of the RATIONAL WORLD, who are coming to Earth to announce this New Age, this New Millennium, this New Phase, which is the Rational Phase and, with it, the emergence of a New Culture, the Rational Culture: The Culture of these Light Bodies that are now performing here on Earth! So, my friends, get to know Rational Culture, to know how this world will change, which we do not belong to, to our true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD! It is from this World that these Luminous Bodies are coming, who are on a mission of peace, love, brotherhood and universal concord on Earth!

Rational greetings to all!

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