Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)

"The influence of the planet and the sign, which belong to life, is the fruit of an Arabian-born study by the sages of yore. Arabia is a country of many legends, of many stories, where they existed, in the past, castles of gold and marble, castles that have been demolished over time and people have adopted new systems, but there are still today who do not appreciate the past of old Arabia, with its stories, his tales and romances of the past.
There were Arabian-born sages, knowledgeable astrology veterans, who sought the map of life that everyone holds in their hands. And with the stoning of astrological science, they began to pay attention to the stars for many, many centuries, notifying their movements and naming the planet and sign. This study was spreading throughout Asia and later became universally known.
At that time, science was all natural and communicated with the stars naturally, thus acquiring the living being everything he needed. The sages then proved to each person why he was born, what he had to be, what was going on in his life, and what was going to happen in his life." (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT) , pp. 132/133).


The first alphabet was the astrology alphabet, which ruled a great civilization that was already extinct. The second alphabet is the artificial, which has been governing the Rational animal, which is what resulted in the current civilization, and now, in the Rational Phase, the regency is made by the Rational Alphabet, because the current phase is *Rational*.

But there is the alphabet of the lower classes, which is the only one that prevails at all stages, which is the law of the strongest: The strongest eats the weakest, destroys the weakest, which is the rulership of the irrational animals.

The alphabet of astrology was abandoned, but the remnants of its regency remained, so that the stormy moments that the world went through were already expected by the prophets of old. They were so clear in astrology that these student prophets of this alphabet heralded future events in the course of the world.

So all this is not new to those who know the prophecies, because they have been announced for a long time, which are the twists and turns of humanity. Due to the artificial alphabet that was created later, many of them for not understanding the predictions have already made many complications, and these complications are the faulty predictions of those who misunderstood the astrology alphabet because they tried to decipher according to their intentions. Because they did not quite understand what was announced, they complicated the announcements, and the result of the complications was that it resulted in many flawed prophecies, bad scholars of the astrology alphabet, and many complicated predictions because they were malicious.
Those who understood the astrology alphabet well got all the predictions right, and there they are, all working out.

All this because the astrological alphabet was the true alphabet, the natural alphabet of nature. However, because it is limited, because it imposes limits, because everything to stay balanced has to have limits, some were satisfied and some not. The dissatisfied wanted to go beyond the limits to meet their tastes and desires and so they went out of bounds, abusing free will and forming the artificial alphabet to expand their tastes.

So today, the current alphabet is the Rational Alphabet, to adjust and adjust what the artificial alphabet has distorted. A purer alphabet than the astrological, for linking human beings beyond the stars, linking all to the Base from which everything we know originated (by Roberto Rios).

Rational greetings to all!

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