Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros

"They all live in this quest for adventurers, as uncoordinated themselves, forgetting what they are, thinking they are not, convinced by forgetfulness, that all this is a source of the lost and a singular hell. And so, no one ever he could not ascertain why there is this in the world, why there is such a formation, and now, I, the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, making known to everyone the beginning and the end of this world, of everything and everything, where it came from and why they came from, where they came from, how they came from, and where they are going.
The world is approaching its last stages of decay over all these theses which, instead of bringing improvements, only bring everything from bad to worse. The illusion betraying everyone, their appearance as well and all in these games of pain, scourge and unrest of all sizes, in all ways, living there, in this hell, subject to everything and finding only suffering and increasingly suffering. And I, the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with and the Scripture, leading to all liberation from the bitter yoke through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Now the living being asks, "What is this? What is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION? How is it? How is it not? Read it from beginning to end and you will know everything, stroke by stroke. And so, to the children of fire, who are all Beings, you must always remember where this all came from." (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 130/131).

CONCLUSION: So, is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION another way of living? There is no doubt about it! An immunized living being is a balanced living; is a knower of himself; knows where it came from, knows where it goes, how it came and how it goes; He knows the world in which he lives and beyond; You know your Home World, you know how it came out, and you know how it came here under the conditions it is in; You know how to get out of the conditions you are in (Rational Animal, thinker, sufferer, and mortal) and return to your natural state of being pure, clean, perfect, and eternal life Rational!

And what needs to be done for the living being immunized? Just read and reread, reflective, thoughtful, and studious, the brilliant pages of UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT ! And does this reading forbid the living from something? No way! Rational Culture is not against anything, it is not against anyone, it is in favor of everyone and everything, because everyone is a child of God!

And why hasn't RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION arrived in the world any longer? Because only now are the instructions on how to get it! As well? Because before we were being prepared, after being prepared, we would reach the maturity necessary to understand and understand it; because before we were in the phase of Rational Animal, in the phase of civilization, a phase of preparation of the human being to understand and understand the existence of a Superior World (where everything and we all originate), with its Higher Culture, able to clarify to the man (based on logic, evidence, and evidence) where he came from, how he came, why he came, where he goes, how he goes, and why he goes.

All of this is now found in RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, because there has been a change of phase, rulership in nature! From Rational animal phase to Rational phase; because there was the union of the two worlds in one! That's right, my friends! From the world above, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, with the world below, which is the matter here, where we live.

So, my friends, get to know RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the greatest gift of all time!

Rational greetings to all!

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