Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2019



Lhe joys um succession, the harmony reflourishing, and the glory of glories corresponding to the ideals and to the afflictions of everyone. The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is the point that concludes all the virtues for the glory, the joy and the satisfaction of everyone. It is the maximum point in everything, the one which goes on corresponding with everyone, much beyond the possible. The possible is because it is 
possible, and the beyond possible is all that which the living creature is not expecting or counting on. That it is the beyond the possible. 

Thus, rich steps to everyone and joyful steps to the collaborators for the benefit of themselves. Shining steps, shining
days and an angelic treasure that gradually multiplies itself, eu tu culminantion, for all those who thus are becoming  elevated in everything. The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION bringing everything that the living creature needs, repairing everything, straightening everything, organizing 
the quietness, the happy and joyful well- living, especially for the Inês who 
collaborate with for diligente for the benefit of themselves.

With the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION the living creature is in possession of the whole learning, and with the daily reading of this Literary Work he will clearly see the modifications that will be happening always from good to better, in every point of view. But the daily reading is not enough; to read is one thing, and to know what one has read is another thing. How often do you finish reading and you do not know what you have read, you do not know how to reproduce nor explain the text of the reading? Therefore, one needs to read daily, to be deeply attached to the reading in order to know what one has read, to know, for oneself and for the others, what is the RATIONAL 
IMMUNIZATION, what it is to be immunized.

Immunized means: munitioned of everything, learned on everything, knower and explainer of this everything, bit by bit. And in order to be this way, one need to read and to know what Pm e hasread, Pm e has to read every day without wasting time. To be Immunized is to be munitioned with the truths, is to be mutioned with the true learning, is to be a knower, oficial the why of everyting, of the why of oneself, of the  why of 
all things existiam in the world, of the why of this world, and of the why of everything before being this way. One is a complete living creature with solid, clear and lapidated bases, without 
any kind of contradiction.

And in order to be immunized, one needs only to have a great constancy in reading, to be munitioned of the Rational learning or the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the same thing. 

The living creature cannot be immunized without being munitioned of the Rational learning. Only munitioned with this learningcan he read the Immunization. And  in order to be munitioned
with this learning, in order to be immunized, it is necessary his being persistent in the reading, without waste of time.

Once munitioned with the learning,  he is immunized. It is the same thing as the living creature, in order to know how to write, first having to learm it. First he needs to learn it and then read. Thus is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. First one needs to know it and know how to explain everything that is teaches, only
the becoming immunized. The illiterates geting to know by means of the teachings given by the ones who already know. 

Rational means: purity, perfection, without defects, elevation over everything, infinitely just and right over
everything and over everyone. That is what Rational means.

It is a something without macula, of pure learning, withou competitor, the maximum state of perfection, generator of all pure, crystalline virtues,  power over all powers, and the consistence of all the virtues.

The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is the most grandiose thing of everyone’s life. In contains the beginning and the end of everyone, the beginning and the end of the world, the why of everything being this ways, the why of the world being this whay, and the before everyone and the world being  this whay.
1° Volume
Universo um Disenchantment


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...