Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 15 de dezembro de 2019



"It is all who live from experiences, in the uncertainty of things, that they are spiritists. And because they are all spiritists, it is that they live this way, always learning, always discovering and always undecided. So, among the spiritists there have always been great confusions, because they don't know why they are, where they came from, where they are going and why the world is like this. They are accepting everything they find there on earth. They think they are right and they always see the contradiction in themselves because they always live in the uncertainty of everything." (Page 159/160, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONCLUSION: Because we are living in a world outside our true natural state, life is temporary and transient! And because we don't know where this life began, where it originated from, we thought that life was the same: suffering and mortals, not knowing why we suffered and not knowing why we died!

Hence the question that does not want to be silent: if we do not know why we are here in this world as sufferers and mortals, without knowing why we are, how can we say that life is the same? So we said, because we lived unknown to ourselves and the world we live in! We did not know why we existed in this world, nor why it existed! In this condition we thought that life was the same as that of sufferers and mortals, but no one would settle for suffering, much less death!

Today, through the Rational Knowledge contained in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Work, we are getting to know each other and knowing that everything in this world is fleeting and that we are passing through here, because we are living outside our true natural state, which is Rational. pure, clean and perfect and of eternal life! And through this Knowledge, we are knowing what to do to leave this condition of suffering and mortals and return, in life and life, to our true natural state!

All this in a simple and natural way, through books available to everyone! These books represent the materialization of our true Culture, the Rational Culture, since we are beings of Rational origin! And because we are of Rational origin, we are philosophically and scientifically in this class of Rational animals, or rather Rational animals!

And this new Culture is not linked to any sect, doctrine or religion, since it is a Culture in favor of everything and everyone, whose main purpose is the return of humanity to the true place of origin of all, the RATIONAL WORLD! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros!

Rational greetings to all!

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