Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2019


who denies the good, makes confusion with what does not exist.


"Who wants good, who seeks to obey to always go from good to better, and who does not want good, who denies the good, makes confusion with what does not exist. Renegades the good because he values ​​evil, and who values ​​evil It is dominated by Mars, always going from bad to worse.
The Rational basis is not found anywhere except in this Work. If the Rational base could be found anywhere, they would have seen the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, but they never did, except now. So this is where the RATIONAL SUPERIOR is." (Page 156, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, Author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONCLUSION: When we talk about the Book Universe in Disenchantment, suggesting its assiduous, reflective, and thoughtful reading, many people think we are being apologetic or suggesting acceptance of a new religion, doctrine, sect, spiritualism, spiritual, mystical, occult, or esoteric knowledge! These relevant and precious segments of human knowledge played a very important role in the evolution and preparation of humanity, because they enabled us to understand the Phase that has come - THE THIRD MILLENNIUM PHASE!

The Book Universe in Disenchantment represents the Culture of a World far superior to ours, called the RATIONAL WORLD, from which everything and everyone is from, and therefore the Culture of our true natural state! It is a Culture dictated by a being superior to everything and everyone, and is not, therefore, extracted from the philosophical and scientific thought of the human being, creator of this vast culture existing under various denominations and various segments and which keeps the mysteries, riddles and mysteries undesirable. The phenomena!

The content of the Book is unheard of for humanity, hence the human difficulty in framing it in the cultural patterns of identification known to all! Since many think they are new sects; others new religion; some new doctrine, etc.

But the Book is a Natural Knowledge, a Natural Culture, belonging to the advent of the New Millennium that knocks on our door. The totality of religious, philosophical, scientific, mystical and spiritual knowledge to date has served as the basis of our complete preparation and maturation so that we can understand and understand the Culture of Disenchantment (which is the Culture of the Third Millennium). Culture of Disenchantment means the Culture of the solution of all mysteries, riddles and phenomena; means the definition and complete solution of the beginning and end of this world and of all beings that inhabit it; It means Conscious and Positive Culture, which has the basis, logic and infinity of proof and proof!

Yes friends, the Third Millennium Phase is the Phase of Truth awaited by many, prophesied by others and has now come to Earth! The Truth of Truths, my dears, is the one in whose core there is a conscious and positive content, with beginning and end, based and logical, a content that leads the human being to be able to disenchant and disenchant the world in which he lives.

So friends, reflect on the content of this Culture, analyze the condition of human existence in this world and the condition of existence of this world, hitherto unknown, know the Book Universe in Disenchantment and enter the THIRD MILLENNIUM naturally within their own residences. Or wherever they are, since there are no temples, synagogues, preaching houses or any establishments to know the grandeur of Rational Culture! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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RATIONAL PARTS! "Because they have highly developed thoughts, they are called Rational. But they are Rational animals and because they ...