Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2019



You live because you have life, without knowing why,
without knowing the reason of nature, of the world, and of whyeveryone is like that. Before the nothing, you were deformed bodies at the point of your extinction. Before being Rational deformed bodies, you were pure, clean and perfect Rationals. And
when you were like this, you lived on the Plain with the others who are still here with their progress, according to the formation.

And why did you want to progress on your own, on that part of the Plain that was not ready yet for the normal Rational function? Why did you want to progress on your own? Was it due to freewill or were you unaware of the effects of the disequilibrium that could happen?

No! You did not foresee any of this, because you did not know what suffering was. You did not know what suffer was, and much less what deformation was.
And did not you have anyone to call your attention?

You did and you do have! You did and you do have
RATIONAL SUPERIOR, who warned you not to enter by this part of the Plain that was not yet in conditions for the Rational progress. But they entered and nothing happened, because nothing happened by simply passing or transiting through. And they
thought they should enter and progress on their own.

Their attention was called and they did not want to return, thinking that they were very well, because they did not know what suffering was, as the ones who still are over here. They were then getting deeper into this part of the plain, until reaching acertain part that was not yet ready to enter in progress and they wanted to progress on their own. That part, then, started to detach from the Plain for not being ready to enter in progress.

So the beginning of deformation started, so slowly that they did not feel the deformation they were making. It is the same thing as this insignificant comparison: no one feels his growth, you grow without feeling.

As they were progressing on their own, they thought they were doing well. They were pure, clean and without defects; but even though their attention was called, they thought they were doing well and thus, started the first steps of the origin of this
deformation. The part of the Plain which was not ready to enter in progress started to detach from the part that is up here.

The part of the Plain in which they entered started to deform naturally, descending, and they also deforming themselves, losing the virtues without feeling it, and with time, farther away, they wanted to return, but they could not and they went on.

With time, then, they deformed themselves still more,
coming to the extinction of those bodies on the plain, and those who deformed themselves there, formed one of the sexes; and those who deformed themselves on the resin of that plain, the other sex.

And why did that resin from the Plain arise? When the part of the Plain started to detach, the beings started to lose their virtues and those gathered, becoming at the beginning a dull light and, with time, it increased, it started to warm up. As the living beings started to deform, they were losing the
rest of their virtues they had, and those accumulating, gettin together on only one focus, which warmed up each time more until, with time, it became an ember, and from this ember, the fire. Here is the origin of that sun. That heat was growing, warming that deformed plain, due to the gathering, on that focus,
constantly, of the lost virtues from the Rational bodies.

Then, later on, that Plain turned into water and the rest of it resin, which, as the heat increased, started to clump up, to roast, and after roasted, with the intensity of the heat, it turned into ashes. And the other part, with the heat, turned into a gum, which
became softer until it turned into water.

It was the infiltration of this water into the ashes of the resin that, with the heat of the sun, caused the rotting, to later on, after rotting, to appear the microbes of all kinds, of all forms, originating from there all kind of animals. That is why the sun is
the creator, generator, and destroyer of everything in this deformed world, because the sun builds, feeds, and destructs.

Earth is an animal place, producing animals of all shapes and forms. All came from that nothing there to live in this apparent everything. You never knew how you were made. You were unaware of the before being like that, before you were as you are now, and how you were.

Now you are getting to know the before you are like now, the reason you are as you are now, and why you did not know the origin of the world, of everything and of everyone.

Later, then, began the formation of the moon, product of the virtues from the deformed Plain and few from the virtues of the resin. That is why the moon is not stable, due to it being originated from the virtues of the deformed Plain and the virtues of the resin.

The Plain turned into water and the resin turned into ashes, which is the origin of earth. That is why the moon regulates with water and land; it affects the water, the land, and with all their makings that has action over it.

The stars also arose from the rest of the virtues of the water and the resin. Here is a little piece of the conclusion of the before- being of this world and of this formation, the way you were. During those primitive stages of formation, everything enhances
shining, because not everything was deformed.

Now, after everything deformed it is when the vegetables arose, all very different from the present vegetation and it was long before, everything paralyzed, the deformation of the human bodies, as you use to call the Rational animals, and of the
irrational bodies.

That is why you did not know how all of this was made, nor you could know how you were made from nothing and how could this nothing exist? You could not know. Now it is that you are knowing the beginning of it in this clarification done by
RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION that will transform everything to the natural state, which is here on RATIONAL PLAIN.

( pág.241/244, 1 Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR)


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