Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2019


Then, by this plenitude of who see, who know and who are aware of the effects, one reaches the point of understanding that he brings with him the Rational Treasure, which is the treasure of 
treasures, the most integrally or integrating valuable piece that the virile human, since long, was in need. 

It is a knowledge that is not science, due to developing naturally within the human being himself, through the knowledge of 
what Immunization is. There is no need for practice, there is no need for theory, there is no need for development. There is only the need to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, to then, be certain that you have the liberation in all points of view, of being completely free from that enchantment of this world. 

Here is the redemption by the basic points, by the solutions of all mysteries of this enchantment, and the truth proved and 
confirmed of all this reality. This is the eternal salvation in benefit of all and of the world, by the knowledge of the beginning, the end of the world and of all, through the demonstrating bases, through the exuberant proofs, through the equilibrium and trough the lapidation of the formation of everything, within the proved texts of the Rational base. 

Then, the living being keeps saying: "-What a world! That is why this world is not ours. We are born and die because we are not in our true world. It is clear that we are not from this world. If we were, we would be eternal and the world would be ours. Because we are out of our world, it is that here we do not have equilibrium. We do not know the true formation; we do know the apparent formation done by our calculations over here on Earth, summarizing everything in the infinity, mysteriously and without solution of 

That is why everything in this world deposes against the human being, starting with nature itself and ending among 
everything and among everyone. The world, under those conditions, is considered a freak of nature.

Life is of sacrifices, where one always suffers and after suffering, one dies and everything disappears. Once dead, 
everything disappears, for this not being your world. 

Nature is considered by the science from there on Earth as an indecipherable and indescribable phenomenon for the living 
beings’ imagination. The mystery has always been kept there; only now you are knowing why you were born and disappeared there without wanting it, everything ending into nothing, for being out of your world. Now it is that you are seeing that you are indeed deformed ones. 

The deformation is such that you got used to this nature as it is. You got used apparently, since, truly, you were never happy of being like that, beings always in suffering and suffering does not make anyone happy. Here is the reason of living this life, there, full of complaints, full of monstrosities, where nature revolts against its own inhabitants, due to the inhabitants not being from that world there. 

Nature raises you, makes you suffer and kills you; because you are not from there. It revolts and strikes against the human 
being through an electric spark, a tornado, a hurricane, an earthquake, an epidemic, incurable diseases, beasts, insects, wild 
animals, too much heat, poisonous thorns, finally, all sorts of bad treatments. 

If you belonged to this world, nature would not disfavor you that much. It is proved that all live deceived, cheated, suffering 
the consequences of all of this. However, now it is that you are seeing where you came from, why you came, and how you were going through infinity of trances until you got to where you are, to reach now the knowledge and know the reason of all of this, where you are going to, which is to your true place.


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TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Os que vivem sob o abrigo Racional, sempre reflorescendo, como diz o próprio nome: Racional. E assim sendo, a este...