Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2020



"The living being must be a fervent promoter of what he knows, to save himself and to save his neighbor. The merit of the living being increases and everything grows to him, everything shines on him for good. If the propaganda were bad it would compromise,only good can elevate the living more and more. It is by kindly talking that the living understands each other of all the living in this world.
The living must guide all those who do not know the way for their good. And for that they should read. Read to keep to yourself and to enlighten others, all the good that is now arrived, by the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. Try to sow the good to reap a far greater good; try to advertise the good to others, which will only benefit. How much more, when they pay a visit, after discussing the usual frivolities, which no benefit they bring, come to this subject, the knowledge of eternal salvation, of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, for the good of all and themselves. 175/176, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONCLUSION: In this excerpt, RATIONAL SUPERIOR clarifies the first steps to be taken towards Rational Diplomacy, when in the exercise of the spread of Rational Knowledge. This is because we must be true Rational Diplomats to show our suffering and bitter fellow, all the good and good that he can achieve and achieve by studying the Rational Culture contained in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Books.

But for that, and as a good farmer, we need to know how to prepare and work what we are going to plant, so that the harvest is fertile and prosperous! Thus, we need to seek knowledge, learning and techniques to be used in relation to what we will actually plant. It is necessary to know how we will talk about the good, which we are propagating! Obviously, all this learning is derived, solely and exclusively, from the frequent, daily and reflective study of the Rational subjects transmitted by the RATIONAL SUPERIOR!

The fact that we should be good propagandists for our fellow man does not mean that we should be irresponsible to the point of trying to impose the good on anyone. We must know how to respect each other's free will and always remember that everyone is different, everyone is unequal! And be prepared to deal with those who want nothing to know, even for the good of themselves. In this case, we must remember that maxim that everything has its time, its day and its time, since no fruit tree bears fruit before its time!

Finally, it remains for us to clarify to those who do not yet study Rational Culture, the correct and exact meaning of the use of the word "salvation" in this passage, aiming to dispel doubts and interpretations of a religious, doctrinal, philosophical nature, etc., inappropriate to greatness of Rational Knowledge! This word is used to facilitate our understanding and comprehension, since in fact its real meaning is the return of all to their true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, from which everything and everyone is originating! From there we left by our own free will and now we will return, also by our own free will! For this and for this, nature has changed its evolutionary course allowing the arrival of the Rational Phase; with the Rational Phase, the arrival of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, and with it the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT book by the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, which is Superior Reasoning to all Reasoning, the Supreme Reasoning! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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