Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2020



The electric and magnetic fluid is which governs the animal being, the Rational. And the human being, for being from Rational Origin, has to be governed by the Rational Fluid, by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, by his base of origin. That is why you are Rational animals, because the origin is Rational. But the way you were there, you were being governed by the electric and magnetic fluid, by the irrational animal fluid, and that is the reason you have already been considered one of the wildest beasts, due to you being governed, orientated and guided by the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrational animal being. That is why the human being became a wild beast, the bad genius produced by the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrationals. 

The human being became misunderstood of himself, saying: "-We are civilized beings and sometimes we proceed worse than an animal, which has no ratiocination or conscience." The human being became misunderstood of himself due to being under the permanent influence of these two fluids, the electric and magnetic, destructive fluids. All of that because you do not know your true natural, do not know your origin, and that is why you knew you were Rational animals, but you did not know why you were Rational animals and you were there becoming equal to the irrational animal, due to not knowing your true origin of Rational. 

And so, living there on Earth like any other animal, because the irrational animal does not have the resources to know its origin.

But the Rational does have resources to know his origin and now knowing his true origin of Rational animals and living 
differently, due to living under the orientation of his base of origin, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which enters
inside the apparatus, which is the human being, and puts the watch to work Rationally. 

Thence, everything working out in everyone’s life, the peace of everyone, the peace of the world, the good comprehension among all, the good understanding among all, due to everything being Rational, because everything is from one’s base of origin, from one’s true natural of the Rational animals, due to you being from RATIONAL PLAIN, and from there coming all the orientation for everyone’s equilibrium, for the good march of everyone’s life, and from that, everyone living completely different from the way you lived as human beasts, due to the 
electric and magnetic fluid, the destructive fluid. You will feel a great change. 

The Rational Fluid is pure, clean, and perfect and does not deviate from its Being. The electric and magnetic fluid is full of defects, the fluid of monsters, due to being deformed, and due that the human committed the greatest monstrosities, influenced and dominated by the electric and magnetic fluid. Yes, if you are like that, it is because there is a cause for you to be like that, which is the electric and magnetic fluid. 

Knower, now, of your base of origin you will be dominated by your true natural being, due to you being from Rational Origin, and that is why you are Rational animals; you are from another base of origin; as the irrational, which is from another base of origin, which is the electric and magnetic. 

And so, everyone caring to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, for you to be immunized as soon as possible, to be integrated to the base of origin, or with your base of origin.

And so, arising the welfare in all points of view, arising the true happiness, due to arising in everyone the true Rational equilibrium, due to you being in contact with your base of origin day and night, RATIONAL PLAIN, through RATIONAL 
IMMUNIZATION, embracing everyone, dominating everyone, orientating everyone, Rationally; thereafter, everyone always from good to better, arising the equilibrium of everyone in the world, due to you being integrated with your base of origin of Rationals. 

The ratiocination is very different from the electric and magnetic thought, which is from the Rational animals, free-thinkers. Then, the electric and magnetic did such a disadjustment in the human being that the person got misunderstood with himself, making confusion about everything, suspicious about everything, malicious about everything, after all, an unlimited disequilibrium. You lived like a beast, for being under the influence of the irrational, which is the electric and magnetic fluid, angry with everything, nervous about everything. The impatience, the electric and magnetic molested the human being; it is a destructive fluid. And so, now, knowers of all the formation, there being, then, the separation from the irrational animal. 

The Rational under the orientation of the Rational Fluid, of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, under the orientation of your true being, and the irrational under the orientation of its true being, which is the electric and magnetic. 

The Rational animal from your Rational Origin, governed and guided by the Rational; your line of Rational, your being of Rational, your progress of Rational, after all, a true change, very big one, because you were living like irrational beasts, under the influence of the electric and magnetic. 

Everything slowly, naturally, goes on arriving to its place. You will make this modification without feeling it, without any shock, naturally, because what is natural, the person does not feel, since your being is from Rational, nature is from Rational, and what is natural is the reason of the being and the reason of the being is because it is in its true place.

Then, Rationally, everyone winning, everyone triumphing, everyone happy and content, because there it is, all the mysteries unveiled, the mysteries of the world and of all beings, and the categories in their places. There it is the dominion by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the true natural ofeveryone, the base of origin of everyone, the natural being of everyone; that is why you are Rational animals. 

But the ratiocination did not work because you did not know your base of origin. The electric and magnetic was what worked. Then, there was that great confusion between ratiocination and thought. Now, yes, the ratiocination of the Rational animals has arrived, from your base of origin. Now it is that you are knowing what ratiocination is. Now it is when you will be Rationals, because you are aware of and knowing all the transcription of your base of origin, of everyone and everything. 

Now you are knowing the true evil, which is the electric and magnetic, and the true good, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. All in different poles, each one in its own sector of origin. Animals you are all, but each one in its classification, each one inside its class, each one inside its category, each one within its being.

(pag. 367/370, 1 Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR)
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