Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 6 de junho de 2020



When disillusionment comes and they fall into the reality of life, as it is written here and having nothing else to do, they ask for death and nothing more. They fall into reality. They saw that all this is nothing but misery. Then, they ask for death, because they come to the conclusion that life consists only in suffering more and more until they die. How many wise men of the wise run out; how many large and small have run out, ending their own lives when they are disillusioned. Others get into convents waiting for the best time. "(Page 216, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: It has been the life of many people for interpreting life as being the same, of matter. And because they live attached to matter, they do not admit anything other than matter, with all their belongings! That is why they become ambitious, greedy and admit nothing but matter.

They forget that if matter were the whole of life, the life of matter would not be one of pain, tears, suffering and death. But dominated by the illusions of life and all its artificial, natural and transitory entanglements, they do not realize the real value of that life.

So, what about life? How should it be viewed, in what light? Is this the real life? And if not, what is the real life? And if that is true life, why does it end? And why don't we settle for it, since no one will settle for suffering, much less death? These and other questions remained in a tangle of enigmas, mysteries and phenomena, hitherto unavoidable and challenging the capacity of human culture!

Today, we are on the threshold of a new dawn, a new Era: the Age of knowledge, light, reason, enlightenment, the Third Millennium, the Age of the Rational Phase (due to the evolution of nature itself, with its transformations for the better ), this phase is represented by a new Culture, unprecedented, transcendental, of origin, based on logic, and evidence. In this new Higher Culture of origin, the solution and clear, solid and crystalline clarifications about all the challenging mysteries of elementary human culture!

In this new Era, all the revealing explanations about life, the world and the universe, are brought to human knowledge directly from our true World of origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, through the brilliant pages of the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!


OS PRIMEROS ANUNCIOS DE LA INMUNIZACIÓN La INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL ya fue anunciada hace muchos siglos por Nostradamus y San Juan en los papir...