Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2020




The fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will dominate everyone, reign among everyone, due to it being from the true natural of everyone, due to it being from the true origin of everyone, and that is why this day had to come for you to get to know your true natural, which you did not know. There is no one who does not want to be under the influence or under the dominion of his true natural of Rationals. 

The electric and magnetic is for the dominion of beasts, for the formation of beasts; that is why you are not equilibrated, you are unbalanced, you are free thinkers. The electric and magnetic is from evil origin, it is from material origin, and now, everyone knowing your formation, your origin, that you were pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, knowing and being aware why you became to be like that. 

And everyone embracing what is from your true origin, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Everyone wanting the Rational Fluid for everyone’s equilibrium, for everyone’s welfare, for everyone’s happiness; yes, everyone was looking for the goodness, but you did not know how to find it. In the electric and magnetic fluid, you could never have found it; only the apparent good, and not the true good. And today everyone is knowing the apparent good, which is from the magnetic and electric, and the true good, which is the fluid from RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

The fluid from RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is pure, clean, and perfect, due to it being Rational, from the origin of the human being, from the origin of where everyone came from.

And once that fluid inside the person, it regulates and equilibrates the person, everything starts to be right naturally, starts to get everything right, the persons starts to change naturally, because goes on curing oneself, moving away the maladies from the electric and magnetic, until they are totally away, because the electric and magnetic fluid is deformed, and then, the pure fluid get in the person and the deformed one steps out, because the person is an electric and magnetic apparatus, but from Rational Origin. 

Then, reigns and dominates the person the fluid from his Rational Origin. That is why you are Rational animals, from Rational Origin, and the fluid of your origin is the right one for dominating the beings from that origin, and due that you were qualified as Rational animals, due to you belonging to something pure, and irrational animals because they are not pure. 

Then, the electric and magnetic fluid is for the dominion of the irrationals and the fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is for the dominion of the Rational animals. But, due to humanity does not know its origin, they are there dominated by the electric and magnetic. Thence, the disequilibrium, like wild beasts, like crazy ones, like inhuman beings. All of that, done and produced by the magnetic fluid, only the disequilibrium reigning over everyone, and then, everything always from worse to worse. 

Due to you being dominated by the electric and magnetic fluid, you could only get from bad to worse. Now you are knowing what you are, the reason why you are like that, what you were, what you had been, and why you stopped being what you were to become who you are, knowing your origin, and embracing with nails and teeth, so you can be dominated by good, and not by evil, for you to be dominated by the fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, for everyone’s sake, for everything to multiply from good to better, due to you now knowing your true being, your true origin and being dominated and guided by the base of your true origin, the Rational Fluid, for the equilibrium and welfare of all, RATIONAL 

Then, reigning RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION among all, dominating all, due to you being from this origin of Rationals, and only now it is that you are knowing your origin, in this great discovery of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the true natural of all, which you did not know. With RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, you go on solving everything of well and good, because it I Rational, from the origin of the human being, Rational animals. 

And so, everyone very happy for knowing your true natural and why you lived there horribly like an animal, under the effects 
of the animal fluid. Dominated by those electric and magnetic fluids, you could never find the right, always doubting everything, suspicious of everything, due to the disequilibrium caused by the electric and magnetic fluid, which is of the irrational animal and not of the Rational animals. 

Today, you are rich in satisfaction for finding the true base of the Rational Origin. What is Rational has to be guided by its origin, which is Rational, and not by the animal base, which is the electric and magnetic. The immunized person lives happily, due to being oriented by his base of origin. The person, who is not immunized, lives like a beast, an animal, oriented by the animal base, which is the electric and magnetic fluid. 

The deformed base, the animal base, the base of beasts, you live in doubt of everything, doubting everything, in the hope of everything, in the uncertainty about everything, suspicious about everything, afraid of everything, terrified about everything. This is the animal base, a hellish disequilibrium, disequilibrium of crazy ones, unbalanced by the electric and magnetic fluid, which is the base of the animal beast, of the irrational beasts, of the irrational animals. But the base of the Rational animals is another one very different, it is from origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, from up there, RATIONAL PLAIN.

Then, care to know your origin for you to become dominated by your base of origin of Rational, through the fluid that enters inside the person and converses with the person, clarifies the person, equilibrates the person, and then everything working out in the person’s life, conferencing with the person, and all precise orientations for the equilibrium of the person and of all the immunized ones. 

Therefore, there arrived on Earth the greatest discovery of all times, the description of the formation of this hole you called world. Everyone here inside this hole, looking up there to the firmament, to the sun, to the moon and the stars and without being aware, without knowing the reason of the existence of all of this, living like an irrational animal, which knows nothing about describing the origin of its being and much less about the origin of the other beings, due to you being under the electric and magnetic influence, due to you being under the beast influence, under the electric and magnetic influence.


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