Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 25 de outubro de 2020




After the fluid is inside the person, the person will be entirely enveloped by that light. This light takes over the body of the person, and the person will be covered by this light, enveloped by this light. With this light, which is from the RATIONAL PLAIN, the person will be connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN through the fluid that is inside the ‘I’ of the person. 

The person when totally covered and enveloped by this light, will be inside a light, inside this light, connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Because the person is of Rational origin, she will be connected to her basis of origin 
through this light. 

To make it easy for everyone to understand, I say fluid. So, the person in this light is connected to his basis of origin. 

The person has the ability to see great part of the RATIONAL PLAIN, because, then, the Rational Clairvoyance will come about for the person. 

The person with the Rational Clairvoyance will see the RATIONAL PLAIN because she is connected to it. 

Then, the understandings with the inhabitants of the RATIONAL PLAIN will come, the place of origin of all Rational animals. 

At that point, the conferences and needed and necessary guidance will happen. 

And then, everything will work out in the person’s life. The person will start to get 
everything right, all maladies of the body and evils of life will disappear, and life length will be increased, the length of you staying on Earth will increase, and for the person to become like that is very easy, one needs to only be persistent in reading daily to become mature in the knowledge and get to perfectly know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. 

Once getting to perfectly know it, the fluid comes and takes over the person. This light comes and the person stays inside this light, very naturally, because it is of the own natural of the person, and because it is of the origin of the person, the person does not feel it. 

It is a natural thing. The person will only feel well, because he is taken away from this basis to which he does not belong, the electric and magnetic. The person gets 
disconnected from the electric and magnetic. 

To these two fluids, the person does not belong. The person belongs indeed to one’s Rational Basis because one is a Rational animal. 

Then, the life of the person goes from good to better and always, because he is under the domination of his true basis of origin, and that is why everything will work out. If you are Rational animals, the true basis of origin is Rational. 

The person with the Rational Clairvoyance, will personally talk with the inhabitants of her basis of origin. 

Because she has the clairvoyance of her true basis of Rational origin, the person will 
complete her true natural. 

The natural is of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, which deformed themselves into 
Rational animals.

Just because you became deformed, you would not at once lose contact with your basis of origin, This deformation was not more than a consequence, an adventure. From this adventure, the result was to become as you are, but you would not be kept from rehabilitation just because of it. That is why you are Rational animals of Rational origin, returning to the place of origin through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

As there are clairvoyants, the clairvoyant seers of the electric and magnetic, which is 
not of the true natural of the person, much better is the clairvoyance of the true natural of the person, the Rational Clairvoyance, because you are of this origin of Rational animals. Living Rationally you will be living in a beautiful paradise, in a brilliant paradise. Out of your basis of origin, inside the fire of the electric and magnetic, with these two unbalanced fluids, you are inside a hell in your life. 

And so, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is known and recognized as the redeemer of the Rational animals. 

Rational also means to reason. It is the reason for everyone to be the way they are, the reason for you to quit being what you were to become what you now are. 

The reason for this deformation is the reason for the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

So, now there exists in the world the Rational Light, the light of the true natural of everyone, of the Rational animals. Of the basis of the origin of everyone is the true light, the light of eternity, the light of the eternal ones, the Rational Light, pure, clean, and perfect. And so, the domination of everyone is by their place of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

The light of the electric and magnetic is the Sun, it is deformed, it is of a deformed origin, as you know, of the lost virtues from the bodies before these ones. 

The true Rational Light, pure, clean, and perfect one, is from the basis of eternity over there, of the basis of the eternal ones from the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

So, everyone is illuminated by their basis of origin, by the Rational Light, a light that has never come to the world, has never come to this world. This is the first time, and that is the reason for the surprise of everyone, because it is an unknown thing to all. 

The empire of the electric and magnetic will end naturally because everyone will become rationally immune. Once everyone is immune, the empire of the electric and 
magnetic will end. 

Indeed empire because it reigned over everyone. It indeed reigned because now there is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION so that everyone can stay away from this basis to which they did not belong. 

Everyone will embrace their basis of origin, which is the only remedy for everyone’s 
salvation. You will return to your basis of origin through the RATIONAL 
IMMUNIZATION and will no longer be born over there inside that fire of the enchantment, of the empire of fire, which is the electric and magnetic. 

As people become immune, the seven parts will weaken because the deformed body, which is the fluid that originated the human body, is seven in one. Because it is seven in one, you will be leaving from over there to your natural state of Rationals. The Sun will be losing its seeds, its particles, and all seven parts. The heat will diminish and the electric and magnetic part will be diminishing, which is a heavy being on Earth, the electric and magnetic. When the heat diminishes, Earth will start to suspend because this heavy force of the electric and magnetic will diminish. When this weight of the electric and magnetic diminishes, Earth will rise, always rise, until it transforms itself into its natural, because electricity is heavy. As it starts to leave from the deformed fluids over there, the weight lessens, because the heat lessens. 

Nature starts to transform itself into its natural, because everything transforms itself. 

With time, everything will arrive at their place, naturally, because everything came 
from up there and with time everything returns to its natural place. 

When the heat lessens, the Sun’s light will lessen its weight, will lessen because 
everything will start to lose its seeds and these seeds will return to their place and the Sun when losing its particles, the weight, Earth will then start to rise naturally. This is not for now, but other generations will see these movements of Earth rising naturally. 

Because the Sun will start to get smaller in size and Earth will rise, transporting itself 
to its natural state. 

The magnetic and electric weigh a lot, and so, all of this happens with time. 

And so, everything comes to its true natural, the natural that is indeed this one, because this is the true evolution of the transformation from this deformation to the natural state. 

Everything returns to the natural, naturally, because everything has life and that is why everything produces life. 

Because everything has life, everything returns to its true natural, naturally. It is a 
transformation done by nature itself. Everything returns to its place because everything is removed from its place; everything returns to what it was. 

The natural one goes naturally back to its place, because it is natural. It is the same 
thing: the person grows without feeling it. 

Because everything is done so naturally, no one will feel it. And so, the natural, because it is natural, arrives at its place naturally. 

And so is Earth. It will rise, rise, and rise naturally until it gets to its true natural state. 

Everything returns to its natural state, because it became deformed naturally, 
returning to its place of origin naturally. 

Because these are the consequences and the natural being this one, it deformed with 
life, it has life, and it will return to its natural with life. 

It came down due to natural consequences and it will turn around and rise due to 
natural consequences. 

It is the case to say: you made this long trip thinking that it would work out and, 
because you realized it did not, you will return again to your place of origin. Everything returns. You thought that progressing on the part that was not yet ready to enter progress you would end up in another paradise, and, after all, you ended up in a paradise of mud and suffering, which is the enchantment. 

Tired of suffering and tired to beg to someone to save you, now there comes the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, to disenchant everyone from this abyss you found yourselves in. 

You ended up without being able to provide a solution to the reason for everything to be like this and to the reason everyone is like this. You became unaware of your origin due to the transformations you underwent. Everything that transforms itself diminishes and multiplies itself because it degenerates itself. 

Everyone was realizing that this world would see the day of its end, this unbearable world where everyone lives like this in this way.

So, everything that multiplies itself diminishes and degenerates, and so, extinction from the progress of degeneration comes about, due to the multiplication of the beings, on its way to the extinction of the beings due to the progress of degeneration. Everything that multiplies itself gets weaker, and getting weaker, it gets smaller due to degeneration. 

Due to the multiplications that end in nothing, you were all on your way to 
extinguishing yourselves due to the progress of degeneration, coming to another much worse deformation, the quadruped’s one. But you will not come to that point because the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is over there so that everyone can return to their place of origin. Are you not seeing that all of this is a progress of unconscious ones? 

Are you not seeing that everything has an end? The unconscious ones are so much 
blind ones with their eyes open that they judge and think that they are doing very well. 

The multiplication of suffering is there because the unconscious one is a blind one, and because he is blind, he does not see what he is doing. 

So, multiplication of suffering means doing well? It means doing badly, from bad to worse! 

This is the progress of destruction of the beings. Are you not seeing that there are no assurances in matter, and because there are no assurances, everything ends? 

So, how come you wanting to assure something that ends, something that has no assurances? Only the unconscious ones are the ones who do not know what they are doing, and much less what they are saying. 

Life has no assurances. Nothing has any assurance. So, something without any 
assurance is a right thing? No! 

So, the right thing is not this one and because it is not this one, everything ends. But unconsciousness is so great and blindness still much bigger that you took this great lie as if it were a great reality. You made a reality out of lies, because if everything ends because it is not true, how come you admit something that is not true as it being true? 

Nothing has any assurances. Everything is temporary, and it is temporary because it 
ends, and everything that ends is not true, it is a nothingness appearing to be everything. 

This everything, because it is a lie, returns to nothingness, and you made a true everything out of this nothingness, because the unconsciousness and blindness persisted. 

Today you know the true everything, which is the basis of origin of everyone, and this everything of lies, because it is a lie, it ends. 

You took the lie as if it were real, and you can see the failures every time from all sides. 

The enchanted one is a blind and unconscious one because he does not know why he is like that. 

And because he does not know, he suffers, and moreover saying that the world is of 
suffering. Why of suffering? Because you know nothing, because if you knew, you would not suffer, if you knew, you would not be imperfect ones, full of defects. 

If everyone knew, you would not live in agony. So, what is it that you know? Only to 
suffer and only to cuss about life. So, what is it that you know? Nothing, not a thing! 

Unconsciousness and blindness is what makes the deceived ones think they know, 
that they are right, that the right thing is so. “The right way is this one.” 

Everyone being right, and because they are so right, everyone is suffering. Suffering 
proves and testifies that no one is right, that everyone is wrong and that no one knows the right thing. You never knew the right thing. But the unconscious ones, because they do not know what they are talking about, judges to be that which he is not. Ridiculing himself like this he is seeing failure in everything, even in his own being, and he still has the courage to talk about what is right and correct, and because nothing is either right nor correct everything ends. 

The right thing is now in your hands, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, and that is why it is Rational, the right basis of the origin of everyone. It is not like over there in that enchantment, where you were seeking the basis of that enchantment without ever finding it. 

Then, what were you basing yourselves on? In superstitions, in imaginary things, in 
mysteries, in imaginations. In summary, many ways to feed everyone’s blindness. And so, everyone was agonizing like this, horribly. 

The penitent beasts are tied to this serpent of the electric and magnetic. And so, everything will transform itself to its natural state. 

The more one talks about fluid, the more one needs to talk about it, because the basis of the world is of fluids, the origin of everything is of fluids. 

So, for one to talk about everything that comprises this world, one must talk about 
fluids, because the fluid is what originated to all formation of the world. 

So, when talking about anything that exists in the world, one must talk about fluids, 
because if there were not for the fluid, nothing would exist in the world, because 
everything that exists in the world is originated by the fluid. Therefore, the fluid is the basis of this deformed formation, and because everything originates from fluids, everything ends, for everything being apparent. 

The fluid is unstable. The fluid is not the true being, it is an apparent truth, it is a truth of lies. Because it is a truth of lies, everything ends. If the fluid were not an apparent truth, everything in this world would be eternal. That is why everything only has an appearance of truth, and because it is not true, everything ends, is only an appearance. 

It seems to be true, but it is not, and that is why is ends. If it were true, it would not end, it is a truth of a short duration, because it is no truth. 

That is why everything transforms itself into nothingness and this nothingness transforms itself into what it was. 

What was it? Nothing! An apparent everything. Everything was coming from this nothingness, made out of nothingness, starting out from nothing and forming itself into an apparent everything. 

This apparent everything transforms itself into nothing due to nothing among those 
beings being true. 

Therefore, everything that exists in the world is a lie, and because it is a lie, 
everything ends, everything transforms itself into different beings, ending into 

So, humanity needs to know itself and recognize itself not to waste any more time 
with this nothingness, not to keep valuing this nothingness, because only those who are unconscious will value something worthless, and, due to their unconsciousness, do not know what they are doing, it is a case of madness. 

A mad one is he who does not know what he is doing, has no idea of what he is doing 
because he is sick, he is mad, he is not in balance. And because they live like that valuing nothingness, because everything ends as nothingness, they value this apparent everything and, thus, they are nothing more than utterly mad.

You need to recognize this great mistake you took on, which is the cause of all suffering of everyone. 

You need to seek the true everything, which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, so that you can be healed of this madness, of all this unconsciousness, and of this way of living, because you are only hurting yourselves and will only suffer each time more. You need to get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, so you become immune and get healed of this unconsciousness, of this madness. It would be fine to continue to value this lie like it were the truth if it weren’t now for the Truth of truths. It would be fine to live as you have been living if there would not now be the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

I don’t know where you would end up like that with the multiplication of suffer. 

You would end up all extinct due to the multiplication of suffering, due to the 
multiplication of evils to destroy yourselves, from just noticing the progress of the unconscious one. 

An unconscious one is a mad one. He does not know what he is doing, he thinks he is doing good, but is not. Because he is sick, he is doing a great evil to destroy himself. So, get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, so you can get the Rational Fluid inside your ‘I’ for you to connect to your place of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN and from there receive all needed guidance for your balance. There it is, the Truth of truths, not this life of appearances, of lie of lies, and because it is a lie, everything ends. 

So, for you not to live in deception, for you not to keep deceiving yourselves, for you 
not to keep betraying yourselves, because no one likes to be betrayed, no one likes to 
likes to be deceived, get to become immune, to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, so you do not live like this, like dumb ones, with all these dumb things, valuing dumb things. 

To value dumb things, that is really a thing of dumb ones. Stop wasting time, stop 
valuing this mud. 

Those who value mud are pigs. Indeed, this mud, because matter is mud, a rotten mud. This is really a thing of unconscious ones. 

Valuing that which is worthless? Valuing that which has no value? 

Enough to live in illusion, with the illusions of matter from the mud over there, deceived by the mud disguised as something good. 

And the deceived ones unconsciously fighting, devouring and battling one another, finishing each other off and dying due to valuing the mud. Because they are deceived by this mud, they are self-betrayers and are betraying themselves. 

Being bad to themselves, being a monster to themselves because they let them be 
dominated by this disguised mud. 

Because it is mud, everything ends, and because it is mud, everything gets old and 

Everything ends, everything rots, everything ends because it is a lie. Everything is a lie and everyone is betrayed by this lie, and because it is a lie, everything ends. 

Everything transforms itself into nothing, and from this nothing, everything gets back 
to what it was. What was it? Nothing! 

You were generated out of this nothingness, you were made out of this nothingness, you came from this nothingness and formed yourselves into this apparent everything, into this disguised everything, ending in nothing, returning to nothingness. The apparenteverything transforming itself into nothing. This is the extermination of the ones betraying themselves. Get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, so you get 
cured from all these stupidities, because you are nothing more than great idiots. 

All of these false notes, betraying yourselves, betrayers of yourselves, you deceive yourselves. You cheat yourselves without any good reward beyond failure, suffering of these unconscious clowns, who think they know how to live. If they knew how to live, as you think you do, you would not be in this world suffering, you would not be in this world condemned to die. If you knew how to live, you would not be in this world only to suffer, from cradle to grave. It is shameful to say you know. What do you know? 

If you knew, you would not suffer. If you knew, you would not be agonizing. If you 
knew, you would not be exposed to all evils, to all maladies, to all diseases. If you knew, you would not be living under no warranties. 

But a mad one, because he does not know what he is talking about, always says he knows what he is doing. 

Only a mad one, who is unstable, not knowing what he is talking about, will always say he does know. 

And if you ask one of those sick ones, one of those ill ones, the reason for him being 
in the world, only to suffer and condemned to die, the sick one will not know how to 
answer, and always unstable, he will remain with the same fixation of saying he knows. 

Therefore, you penitent ones without any condition to argue, get to know what 
RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, for then you will know what you are talking about, and not bark like a sick dog, like a hydrophobic dog, a dog with rabies, or a parrot that only knows what was tough to it, that what it learned with great sacrifice, with this 
knowledge of nothingness, which is worthless. 

The knowledge of nothingness, what is it worth? Nothing! It has no value. So, the 
arguments of those who do not have any value are useless. 

It is necessary that humanity gets to know and recognize itself with this insignificant 
explanation of what these beings in confusion are. 

You can already think and put yourself in your place and get to know what 
RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, so you can know what you are talking about, know your true place of pure, clean, and perfect, without defects, Rationals and quitting living like beasts, like you are living in this mud, without knowing what you talking about, always taking in on the chin and, due to being like that, always suffering. 

Get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. But to really know it, deeply know it, meaning, to become immune, and not only superficially, otherwise you will not be mature on what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, and to be mature and recognize what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, you will need the necessary time. 

It is not like that, just superficially browse over the Knowledge and claim already you 
know, only because you superficially browsed over it, without truly knowing it. 

There needs to be time to become mature in the knowledge of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

These dull ones live over there in darkness, in this horrible enchantment, living like an animal, like a beast, under the domination of the electric and magnetic, with both these ferocious fluids, over there in that hellish unbalance, in that mortal life, where you die without knowing why.

Being born over there without knowing why you were born. Suffering without knowing why, being ignorant about the existence of the world. 

Being ignorant about your existence in the world, you clowns like that with these wise stupidities, claiming you know. What do you know? You know how to suffer like an 
animal, like a jack ass, with this load of rotten mud, which is the body. 

Matter came from nothingness and will end up as nothing! What do you know? 
Nothing! You talking and nothingness talking is the same. It is the same, without knowing what you are talking about. Nothingness talks, and what nothingness says is worthless.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Tudo se transforma devido à deformação. Uma vez que tudo se deforma, não há estabilidade, e por não haver estabili...