Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2020



"The illusion is so great that the suffering is irresistible, due to the disappointments and the prelude to life being deceitful, traitor and impostor. The life that everyone longs for is good and happiness for all, however, they only find difficulties to achieve this glorification that everyone craves and for what everyone works, seeing and reaching the reverse, all that is bad and suffering leading everyone to this bitter corner, by the testimony of illusions, which are the preludes of the waltz that plays among all.

And so, there is laughter, crying and passion. Humanity lives like the wind;  now blowing a lot on one side, now on the other and so on. Then, the living ones live and say: - "The stories of the world bring us a consternation that the promising ancestors of the primitive steps of all contemporaries point out, in the majority, great suffering for the inflamed scams, for the shocking impacts of the imperfection, that they make with  may the lever of all be an enigma and a great mystery of us and of everything. " (Page 247, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: In the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, of Rational Culture, we learned that the suffering of life is an ancient component, whose primary purpose was to improve and culturally improve us, enabling us to know the reason for our suffering in this world, its causes in the main cause, so we definitely know how to get rid of it! But how can we obtain these teachings, when suffering in this world is common to the wise and those with little culture? Necessarily, my friends, we would need a Higher Culture!

Today, we can boast and shout loud and clear: - the true knowledge that we needed arrived on Earth to clarify the real causes of our suffering and how to banish it once and for all from our lives! What a joy; what satisfaction;  how exciting! Finally, we have reached the peak of natural and cultural evolution! "

So, my friends, you must be wondering: - what true knowledge is this guy talking about? The answer is simple, objective and direct: from the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, which are based on the true personality. And because they are based on the true personality, it is that in them are all the bases of being supreme to everything and everyone, to make everyone understand and known, where we all came from, where we are going, how we came and how we are going; in short, complete knowledge about our existence in this world and about the existence of that world, of everything and everyone.

So, my friends, try to get to know the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, to come across the highest and most notorious culture, such as Rational Culture! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


  Ninguém se entende. Ninguém está entendendo nem a si mesmo. Por isso, aí está a falência moral, física e financeira, e a liquidação moral,...