Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2020



"Life becomes increasingly stormy, embittered and annihilated by the proportion of the intoxication of illusions. Illusions deprive and end the deluded who have no other way to go, because they don't know or do not know how and where to get rid of this evil. But those who have the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, these will end the material illusion and will free themselves, saving themselves and staying away from illusions forever. For that, it is only necessary to read every day, to be dominated by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.  .

And so, illusions losing the strength of their domain and the living being in a balanced march, quickly immunizing themselves, for overcoming illusions and not being overcome by them. So yes, he is considered a true disenchanted, because he is stronger than illusions; it went from dominated to dominator, from weaker than illusions, to stronger and above illusions.

While deluded, he was a great sufferer, and now, immunized, a great benefactor. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION brings everyone's regulation, good, balance and eternal salvation. In the life of spiritualization, there is magnetism on the scene, the focus of obsessions dominated by illusions, in an infernal imbalance, in modifications of horrible temperaments. "(Page 271, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR)  .

CONSIDERATIONS: Rudeness, delay and brutality, these are the three main characteristics of the human being who lived in a class of life and in a condition of life of the most absolute inferiority! But the lack of knowledge about oneself, life, the world and the Universe and the origin of everything that exists, conditioned the human being to think that everything was like that and that life was the same!

RUDENESS, DELAY AND BRUTALITY, the three powerful forces that kept the human being in the condition of Rational animal, or animal of Rational Origin, or better to say, of Rational animal, because before the human being was animal, he was RATIONAL!

The consequence of rudeness is that human beings live without knowing themselves, without knowing where they came from, how they came, why they came, where they are going, how they are going and why they are going.

The consequence of the delay is the human being (for being rude), not knowing how to live and for living without knowing oneself, could not know how to live.

The consequence of brutality is the human being (who is brilliant and does not know), having to go through the process of stoning (made by thought), a painful process and a lot of suffering and suffering, but necessary and precise!

RUDENESS, DELAY and BRUTALITY belong to the evolution, progress and development of the civilization phase, a phase of preparation for the advent of a superior phase that was to come, which is the Rational Apparatus Phase!

In the Rational Appliance phase, the human being finally gets to know each other, loses the characteristics of RUDENESS, DELAY and BRUTALITY and moves to a condition of superiority. It develops its original part, Rational, its Reasoning, which is materialized in the form of a Reasoning machine in the Pineal Gland.

So, to develop Reasoning is very simple and natural, just read and reread the Culture of Reasoning, the Rational Culture, found in the brilliant pages of the Books Universe in Disenchantment! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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(562) 818-473



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "No mundo, nunca sonharam com a Redenção Universal, nunca imaginaram poder existir a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Só agora,...