Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2020



"The fake always gropes, always experiences, always doubting everything, always suspicious of everything; at the same time he has confidence in something for this, or for that, he is already suspicious. He lives, thus, trusting and distrusting,  expecting this and that, suspicious for this and that, with this or that.

Life is indecisive;  there is a great indecision in the world in everything, as the days to come are unknown and if the future is unknown, we live in uncertainty, in a life that is false.

So, to sum it all up, they usually say: - "Everyone lives under a self-suggestion. Life is an adventure. We are both adventurers who live until we die. We die without wanting to die and without knowing when we are going to die."  And even more they say: - "Life is worthless; from nothing it comes and nothing comes back. Life is and nothing is; everything is and we are nothing." "(Page, 210, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN  DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: For millions of millennia man has been here,

being born and dying and watching life go by! Keeping that transitory and fleeting life and not knowing the cause of it so be!

Civilizations and more civilizations following this process without ceasing!

Inquiries, questions, doubts, uncertainties, searches, knowledge and everything to be polished!

How long will we live?

How long will the mystery remain?

Man evolves, sciences advance.

Religions seek answers and try to console man!

But the inner emptiness remains and insists on insisting and continuing!

How long will we live here?

How long will this situation last?

In the transience of life, man asks himself: what here in this world have we come to do, have we come to pass?

What are we doing here and where do we have to go?

We all know and are sure of death, but where will it take us?

What mystery surrounds her,

 that man cannot decipher?

 Will we ever know?

 Or all, nothing will be?

We are passing through here, we know that!

But if we pass through this world, it is obvious that "from somewhere we came"!

And if we are passing through, what will be our real destination, our real place?

It is certain that we have an Origin!

So, the solution to this existential problem is at the origin!

Origin presupposes superiority and supremacy!

And Origin is now present on Earth!  Our true origin, our Rational Life!

The time has come, the greatest universal revelation!

Origin clarifying, defining, proving and proving our Rational ancestry!

In the books Universo em Desencanto,

 Of Rational Culture!

In these Books, the Knowledge of the greatest universal revelation! The proof that we are not of this world and that is why everyone here is suffering and deadly! And nobody likes to suffer, let alone be mortal! And that is why everyone here is bored, because they are victims of this evil!

And now, the time has come to get to know Real Life, which is Rational Life!  And everyone joining it, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION! And knowing what to do, to return to our original state, thus regaining our condition of eternal life after all and knowing how to judge life, through the Rational perspective! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "O vivente, por não conhecer a sua natureza, diz uma infinidade de asneiras. Muitas vezes pode ser muito adiantado,...