Part 3
Why common? Because it is a natural thing.
Why natural? Because everyone’s nature is made for this adaptation.
Then, the living creature asks: “_ And why has this not come before to the world?” I say: everything arrives at the proper time. The time had not come yet and now it has long come. No fruit-tree gives fruits before its season. Everything has its time.
“_ And can one practice the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION in any place?” Yes, one can! Because the living creature, after being immunized, is always immunized, day and night, night and day.
The living creature asks: “_ And what must one do to acquire it?” Read everyday, that is all it takes to acquire it in no time. The reading gives the knowledge, instructs the living creature and the living creature sees the effects redoubling more and more.
And does it deprive the freedom of the living creature? In no point!
Is there any responsibility? None! Where is the responsibility if the living creature knows everything he needs to do and not do? It is something that gives instructions for the living creature to regard as of great utility over the points of view.
Yes, it is from the Immunization that there comes everything that the living creature needs. And the ones who read every day will achieve it faster, and the ones that do not read will be late in achieving it; if one is to acquire it in one year, reading every day, one may take two, three, or even more, depending on the carelessness of the living creature.
With the Immunization the living creature becomes happier in everything, being able to arrive to a much elevated point, one he has never thought of. Everything is developed by the most powerful force in the world, which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.
(More details of this knowledge, in the books Universe in Disenchantment)
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