Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2021



Aqueles que seguem a espiritualização de diversas denominações, vão sendo lapidados  com muita dificuldade, até chegarem à PLANÍCIE RACIONAL. Mas o vivente que seguir esta Escrituração, não precisa dar uma volta tão grande, porque nestes dados encontrou o caminho e a entrada direta para a PLANÍCIE RACIONAL. 

Estes pontos precisam ser bem esclarecidos porque são o essencial à vida de todos e o seu conhecimento, evitará ao vivente, todos esses sofrimentos que se vê no mundo. (Pág. 171, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES:  Estamos fazendo a travessia do mal, para o bem, a transição do mal, para o bem. E essa travessia, essa transição, está sendo anunciada em diversos segmentos do conhecimento filosófico e científico, bem como em diversas seitas, doutrinas e religiões!

Todos falam acerca da mudança pela qual nosso planeta está passando! Todavia, poucos sabem que essa mudança decorre de uma evolução natural da própria natureza e que culminará, irreversivelmente, na elevação das condições de vida e de classe do ser humano nessa Galáxia Térrea! E como isso está se operando? Por meio de uma mudança de fase da natureza! Sim amigos, de tempos em tempos a natureza muda de fase, como mudou da fase em que o homem vivia na Idade da Pedra, sem recursos, sem desenvolvimento, sem instrução, para a fase da civilização, conduzindo o homem à condição de civilizado! 

Agora, a natureza operou outra grande mudança de fase: da fase do homem civilizado, para a fase do homem Racionalizado! Na Fase do homem civilizado, o ser humano estava na classe de livre pensador e na fase do homem Racionalizado, o ser humano é elevado à classe de Aparelho Racional! 

Como Aparelho Racional, o homem se liga ao seu verdadeiro Mundo de Origem, o MUNDO RACIONAL e Dele, recebe todas as orientações precisas para o seu bom viver equilibrado na vida da matéria, preparando-se assim, em vida, para seu retorno consciente ao seu verdadeiro estado natural de ser Racional puro, limpo e perfeito e de vida eterna, continuando lá a viver! 

E todo esse processo evolutivo é feito muito naturalmente, sem abalos, sem choques e sem impactos, sendo certo que a humanidade vai se adaptando às mudanças climáticas e naturais decorrentes da mudança de fase! 

Por outro lado, chegou à Terra a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL e, com Ela, o Conhecimento de Cultura Racional, contido nos Livros UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO. Por meio do estudo diário, consecutivo, reflexivo e atento desses Livros, a parte suprema do ser humano vai se desenvolvendo e elevando-o à classe de Aparelho Racional, uma forma de vida equilibrada, consciente e positiva, superior às atuais condições de vida na matéria! 

E para alcançar esses objetivos, basta tão somente a leitura diária desta Escrituração, sendo desnecessário frequentar templos, sinagogas, casas de pregação, ou outro qualquer estabelecimento, posto ser o Conhecimento de Cultura Racional, a continuação de todo o conhecimento filosófico e científico criado pelo ser humano, bem como em favor de tudo e de todos! 

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"Explain the truths that are exposed here, with the utmost delicacy, talking calmly to attract the attention and understanding of others. Well, it is not a thing to be discussed, but a form of guidance that everyone should  to know, because everyone is looking for him in the world, and the living being who strives to publicize this work, will reach a point never expected, which he never dreamed, due to his obedience and persistence.

This is an aggrandizement advertisement for everyone. It is the surest way for the living being to know his true natural. It is not religion, it is not a sect nor a doctrine; and therefore, it does not attack, offend or humiliate. It is a knowledge of the true natural of everyone, who did not know.  Do not interpret it as a religion, because often, through innocence, they begin to say blunders, when they refuse to leave their religion to follow another one. It is necessary to make others aware that this is not a religion, it is knowledge independent of any doctrine or sect. It is not spiritism, but knowledge that interests everyone. "(Page 176/177, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).



Framing is a natural tendency of people when they know something new and unprecedented, that is, they seek in their reference points and traditional knowledge an identification or justification to explain, define everything that is new and unknown.  This insecurity and the need to label everything within patterns that are already known and dominated, make people not realize that nature is about transformations, where nothing is repeated. The patterns of yesterday and now, created by imagination and thought, have neither a base nor a sufficient structure to serve as a point of reference for the manifestations of life today and tomorrow, respectively.  So, in their haste to classify what they do not know, some have been insisting that RATIONAL CULTURE is a sect, other times they say it is religion, doctrine and so on. And none of that is RATIONAL CULTURE. And, based on the Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Dictionary (Brazilian philologist), we explain why. (THE CONTENT BETWEEN THE ASPASTS TO FOLLOW IS A TRANSCRIPTION OF THIS DICTIONARY).


 "It is a set of principles that underlie a religious system".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a set of principles that lend itself to something.  It is the natural culture of nature, the true basis of universal life.

 "Christian catechesis".

                   It is not the function of Rational Culture to give instructions on Christian philosophy. Its function is to unite through the complete knowledge it gives about nature, its mechanism, its cause, its origin and its base.

"Teaching, preaching".

                   Rational Culture is not a teaching but knowledge without the mysteries of life. She preaches nothing, because she respects everyone's free will.

"Text of written works".

                   Rational Culture is unprecedented, for humanity, it is not extracted from human beings;  it is extra-cosmic.

"Rule, prejudice, norm".

                   Rational Culture is not a rule, prejudice or norm because it is absolutely dynamic, natural and does not impose, determine or establish any rules of behavior or life.  And, whoever starts to study the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, harmonizes with himself, with any environment, becomes connected to nature and acquires for himself, through self-knowledge, perfect balance.  Therefore, in no concept of Doctrine does Rational Culture fit, therefore it is not a Doctrine.


 "Beliefs in the existence of a supernatural form or forms, considered (s) as creator (s) of the Universe and that as such, must be adored (s) and obeyed".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a belief; belief is something admitted by faith regardless of evidence and proof. Belief is passive acceptance, without intelligible knowledge of the logical basis, of the accredited thing.  RATIONAL CULTURE is knowledge that gives full and true, natural and demystified awareness of all existence.  Whoever believes is convinced, whoever knows is conscious.  RATIONAL CULTURE does not give conviction, it gives conscience.  Consciousness is the same as knowing. The convict accepts totally without proof. The conscious person fully knows why he had proof.  Still, the Rational Culture shows that the conscious being pays only obedience to himself, to his own conscience, positive conscience, reasoning. The conscious reason because he knows and can make a fair assessment of things;  the real, impartial, unbiased, natural assessment. The convinced (or believer) thinks and imagines because he does not know and gives things the value that he or others think and imagine; that things have a concept that does not correspond to the reality and purpose of the thing - a preconception or prejudice.

"Manifestation of such belief through its own doctrine and ritual, which generally involve ethical prejudices".

                   This placement is a consequence of the previous one, already explained.  It does not fit into RATIONAL CULTURE, which is neither belief nor doctrine.

 "Virtue of the man who lends due worship to God".

                   It does not fit into RATIONAL CULTURE, because RATIONAL CULTURE has no cults or rituals for anyone to practice them.  Virtue in RATIONAL CULTURE is the absence of rituals, mystifications.  Virtue in RATIONAL CULTURE is to live naturally, that is, in harmony with the Natural Laws of Nature.

 "Reverence for sacred things".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE proves that everything has the same origin.  And that everything must be seen as it really is, within its cosmic and natural function. Everything has a reason for being (there is no effect without a cause), so everything and everyone deserves respect, without minimizing or maximizing the value of anything.

 "Any affiliation to a specific system of thought or belief, which involves a philosophical, ethical, metaphysical position, etc."

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a system of any thought or belief;  this already cancels your framing here.  RATIONAL CULTURE is the Culture of the development of Reasoning, which even brings to the knowledge of humanity that the phase of thought and imagination ended in 1935; it proves and proves what forces are thought and imagination and why the phase of those forces is over. And yet, there is no affiliation. RATIONAL CULTURE is universal and prior to the world in which we live. It is the natural culture of nature and, whether they like it or not, everyone is part of it because they are all natural children of nature.

"Way of thinking or acting; principles".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a way of thinking;  it is natural knowledge that leads to Reasoning.  It is not a way of acting because it does not interfere with each other's natural - everyone is different because everyone has different roles to play in the universal context. It is proven that RATIONAL CULTURE is not religion.  (By Nágea Luiza Batista).  Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473



“A Palavra UNIVERSO, quer dizer: UNIÃO.

Unir todos, universalmente, pelo desenvolvimento do Raciocínio .

E aí está a FRATERNIDADE, a PAZ, o AMOR e a CONCÓRDIA universal,de um por todos e todos por um, pelo desenvolvimento do Raciocínio .”

(Lourdes Correia)


Hats off to humanity, because the situation of the human being is defined from start to finish. The situation of everyone is defined, the situation of the world id defined, the formation and creation of the world is defined and told, the formation and creation of the beings that inhabit the world, the origin and how everything was formed like this, how it got deformed like this and you got to live like this, as the irrationals. 

Yes, the electric and magnetic fluid produces in the human being the mood of beasts, the evil mood of the irrational. All beasts have a mood, all animal has a mood, not knowing the reason it is the electric and magnetic. 

The magnetic charge produces the mood, anger, hate, madness, which turns the civilized one into a monster, turns the civilized into a savage one, turns the civilized into a mad one, turns the civilized into a criminal, a wrongdoer. All are due to the influence of the magnetic charges, and that is why there is no effect without a cause. The effects are on the human being. All of these mal adjustments, all of this unbalance, is there because of a cause you did not know. The cause is the electric and magnetic fluid, which enters the ‘I’ of the person, governs the person, the person’s being, as it happens with beasts, as it happens with the irrational. The human being was being played by these two actions, the electric and magnetic. The human being was almost comparable to the savages and the irrational animals. 

In the electric and magnetic are all poisons, all ruins that are causing unrest in the human being, so much so that the human being does things, says things, and regrets it later. But while affected by the magnetic fluid, he is a beast, when the fluid retreats, he realizes it and regrets what he did, the evil he did. 

When the fluid remains inside the ‘I’ of the person, he takes long to regret the evil done. 

And so, there it is more or less the nature of the human being told. 

Life is good, but with the fluid of one’s origin, then life is good. But with the electric and magnetic fluid life is bad, suffering does not end, suffering does not stop. Those who do not know nature say: “We came here to suffer, suffer is of life, we are paying back something we did. We are here paying what we owe, each one with his lessons. Suffer is a consequence of life.” Those who do not know the reason of things talk like that. But no one wants to suffer; they suffer because there is no other option, because there was no other option. 

Now the remedy is over there, the fluid of the origin of the human being, the Rational Fluid, to cure all maladies of the body, to cure all maladies of life.

The bad lessons, bad experiences, the agonies, suffer, worries will end; all evil to the human being will end because he will no longer be under the domination of the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrationals. 

He will be under the fluid of his Rational origin, the basis is different, Rational is pure, clean, and perfect. The irrational basis is imperfect, full of defects. The basis of the irrational is that of the monsters. 

The electric and magnetic fluid is the fluid that causes monstrosities, it is the fluid of the monsters, of the irrationals. 

But the human being under the influence of these two fluids became a monster to regret it later. 

Now here comes the fixation of the human being through the Rational Fluid, the integral balance, the balance of the true goodness, of the real goodness, which you never knew. Not this apparent good, of the electric and magnetic, but a goodness different from this one, of the electric and magnetic, a true goodness, which you will know after becoming immune by the fluid of your true Rational origin. 

That is why this is disenchantment, you disenchanted yourself, you saved yourself. 

The enchanted one suffers in bitterness because he was enchanted, but now the disenchantment is over there. 

And then comes the recovery of the world through the fluid of everyone’s origin. 

The Supreme Voice to everything and everyone, the Rational Voice, the voice of the Rational Fluid, will enter into all electric and magnetic apparatuses, which are the human beings, to talk to everyone, because everyone is of Rational Origin. 

The Supreme Voice to everything and everyone is the voice of the origin of everyone, the Rational Voice, the voice of the RATIONAL PLAIN, the voice of every human being’s command, because everyone is of Rational Origin and that is why you were called Rational animals. 

You were unaware of your origin because you were enchanted ones, and today there is the disenchantment over there, getting to know your true origin. 

The fluid of the Supreme Voice to everything and everybody is the fluid of the origin of the human being, the Rational Fluid. You were under the electric and magnetic fluid, which was inside the ‘I’ of everyone, to dominate everyone, like irrational animals. That is why you were vegetating like that. 

Today there has entered inside everyone’s ‘I’ the true natural, which is the fluid of the origin of the human being, the Rational Fluid, to talk to everyone, converse with 

The Supreme Voice to everything and everyone, because it is from the RATIONAL PLAIN, where there are the other beings with their progress of purity, from where everyone left, or from where everyone came. 

This voice will enter into the ‘I’ of everyone, which is the fluid of everyone’s origin, talk to everyone, guide everyone to everyone’s good and universal happiness, the Rational Fluid. 

You were under the influence of the irrational fluid, of the electric and magnetic, being dominated, guided, and oriented by the fluid of the irrational animal. 

Nothing could have worked, as nothing ever worked. That is why today it is one 
thing, tomorrow another, today it is right, tomorrow not. Always everything changing because the electric and magnetic fluid is out of balance. You all have been guided by
both these torturers of humanity, bringing everyone to unbalance, confusing everyone, putting everyone from Herodes to Pilates, in such an infernal unbalance with oneself. 

Today, coming to everyone’s knowledge the Supreme Voice, which is the Rational Voice, describing why you were living like that and why you were like that. You will no longer live with the electric and magnetic fluid because the description of both these 
fluids is over there, the reason for these effects, and the fluid of the true natural of 
everyone, which is the Rational Fluid. 

The Supreme Voice to everything and everyone will talk to everyone, guide everyone, confer with everyone about all matters, because there has now arrived on Earth the fluid of our true origin, the Rational Fluid of the origin of the Rational animals. 

Everyone will now establish contact with their true origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, you who left your base of origin. 

There it is, all the history in the book ‘UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT’ and congratulations to everyone in the entire world because you got the knowledge of your true basis of origin, and because there was suffering of everyone in this world. You are born only to suffer, without knowing why you were born, without knowing why you are born, without knowing where you came from, how you came, and without knowing where you are going, and how you are going. 


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473




Some who left RATIONAL PLAIN and entered in the part not ready to enter in progress, for not being ready, it started to detach from the Plain and came descending, and in that descending everything started to deform. They, losing the virtues, these accumulating, with time warming each time more, until it transformed into fire, and according they came progressing, this Plain losing virtues, like a thing that transforms into another, and these virtues gathering and forming infinity of bodies, visible and invisible ones. 

The visible ones are the planets, due to being deformed it is that they are different from one another, and according they came progressing they distanced themselves more and more from the light. The invisible ones are those who inhabit the space there and which came deforming. That light was warming that Plain and with time, due to the heat, a resin started to come out. With time, the extinction of those bodies came about. Those that extinguished on the gum, which got soft and gummy with the heat, generated the masculine sex and all male beings, and those who extinguished on the resin of the plain, generated, there, the feminine sex. 

And so, all beings of the feminine sex are originated from the resin, which clumped up with the heat, roasted, turned into coal and later ashes, to what was given the name of earth, and the Plain was softening, melting, turned into a gum, and from this gum a thick liquid and with time a thinner liquid and then it turned into water.

The invisible beings deformed themselves into the virtues that the Plain kept losing. They did not deform themselves completely. That is the reason why there are visible beings, which are the planets, and the invisible beings. All of this while they kept losing their virtues, the virtues forming other beings, like the moon, the stars, and other beings. 

After you deformed yourselves into Rational animals, you went through those twenty one eternities, all of those already clarified in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. For you to know all of this, read the Book about the formation of where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going. The Book about the origin of the beings, their formation and creation, the true genesis. 

And now, everyone with possession of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, for you to return, once immunized, to your place of origin, which is RATIONAL PLAIN. That is why you were called Rational animals, due to the origin being Rational, but until now, you did not know the origin. You knew you were Rational animals, but you did not know why. And today you know your base of origin and know how to return to your true place through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

You were pure, clean, and perfect Rationals on RATIONAL PLAIN. Due to freewill you deformed yourselves, you turned into beasts and thus you call yourselves Rational animals, due to the origin being Rational. 

You were enchanted due to not knowing how to provide a solution to your being. You did not know why you were like that, much less why the world is like that. And today, disenchanted, you know the entire transcription about the origin of everything and everyone, the reason of the world and of everyone to be like that.

Today all enigmas unveiled, all mysteries, and you are connoisseur of the true right path of everyone, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. It is necessary to immunize to return to the place of origin, to not be born anymore there in that enchantment, wasting time with that life of suffering. 

Then, who made yourselves like that? It was the same ones who are there. 

Who created the world like that? It was the same ones who are there. 

Who is to blame for all that suffering? It is the same ones who are there. 

Who is to blame for you be living in illusion, in fantasy, suffering, seeing death all the time, due to not having any warranty, living unbalanced, annoyed with life? It is the same ones who are there. You are the causers of all that, of that rough deceit, where everything is apparently worthy, but in truth it is worth nothing, because appearances are not truths. You came from nothing; you formed yourselves into an apparent everything, and boiled down again into nothing. 

Who is to blame for all of that? It is the same ones who are there. And for that, the world lives on account of its own inhabitants, without knowing what to do to straighten it out. You never could because you are not from there. If you were from that world, you would be eternals, because you are not from there, you disappear without expecting. 

Who is to blame for all of that? It is the same ones who are there. 

Who is to blame for those disappointments, those illusions, for that entire deceiving prelude? It is all who are there.

Therefore, do not waste more time, read to become immunized and to return to your place of origin, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. No one is happy with this world, no one is happy with life, because no one is happy with suffering, no one is happy with death. Who is to blame? It is all who are there! And so, at last, it arrived the day for everyone to know where you came from, how you came, why you came, where you are going to, how you are going, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473




Unos cuantos que salieron de la PLANICIE RACIONAL,entraron en la parte que no estaba preparada para entrar en progreso, por no estar preparada, comenzó a dislocarse de la planicie, y vino descendiendo y en este descenso comenzó todo a deformarse, ellos perdiendo las virtudes, estas acumulándose, con el tiempo calentando cada vez más hasta transformarse en fuego, y conforme iban progresando, esta planicie perdiendo las virtudes, como una cosa que se transforma en otra, esas virtudes reuniéndose y formando una infinidad de cuerpos visibles e invisibles. 

Los visibles son los planetas; por ser deformados es que son diferentes unos de los otros; y conforme venían progresando se distanciaban cada vez más de la luz. Los invisibles son los que habitan ahí el espacio y que vinieron deformándose. Esta luz fue calentando esta planicie y con el tiempo, debido al calor, comenzó a salir una resina, con el tiempo vino la extinción de esos cuerpos, los que se extinguieron encima de la goma que con el calor comenzó a ponerse blanda y después gomosa, generó ahí el sexo masculino y todos los seres masculinos, y los que se extinguieron encima de la resina de la planicie generó ahí el sexo femenino. 

Y así todos los seres del sexo femenino son de origen de la resina que se llenó de ampollas con el calor, se tostó, se convirtió en carbón, después en ceniza, a cual dieron el nombre de tierra, y la planicie fue ablandándose, derritiéndose, se convirtió en una goma, esta goma en un líquido grueso, y con el tiempo más fino, y de ahí se convirtió en agua.

Los seres invisibles se deformaron en las virtudes que la planicie iba perdiendo; no llegaron a deformarse del todo, esa es la razón de existir seres visibles que son los planetas, y seres invisibles, y todo esto conforme iban perdiendo las virtudes, y las virtudes dando la formación de otros seres, como la Luna, las estrellas y los demás seres. 

Después que se deformaron en animales Racionales, pasaron estas veintiuna eternidades, todas ellas ya esclarecidas en el Libro UNIVERSO EN DESENCANTO. Para que conozcan todo esto, lean el Libro de la formación de dónde vinieron, cómo vinieron, para dónde van y cómo van. El Libro del origen de los seres, su formación y creación, la génesis verdadera. 

Y ahora todos en poder de la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL, para retornar, una vez inmunizados a su lugar de origen, que es la PLANICIE RACIONAL, y por eso fueron calificados de animales racionales, por el origen ser Racional, pero hasta entonces desconocían el origen, sabían que eran animales Racionales, pero no sabían porqué, y hoy, conocedores de su base de origen, y sabiendo cómo retornar a su lugar verdadero por medio de la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL. 

Eran Racionales puros, limpios y perfectos, en la PLANICIE RACIONAL; debido al libre albedrío se deformaron, se convirtieron en bichos, y ahí se clasificaron en animales Racionales por ser el origen Racional. 

Eran encantados por no saber dar solución de su ser, no sabían el porqué eran así ni muchos menos el porqué el mundo es así, y hoy desencantados conociendo todo ese traslado del origen de todo y de todos. El porqué del mundo y de todos ser así.

Hoy desvendados todos los enigmas, todos los misterios y son conocedores del verdadero camino cierto de todos, que es la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL. Es necesario inmunizarse para volver al lugar de origen, para no nacer más ahí en ese encanto, perdiendo tiempo con esta vida de sufrimiento. 

Entonces, ¿quién os hizo así? ¡Fueron los propios que ahí están! 

¿Quién creó el mundo así? ¡Fueron los propios que ahí están! 

¿Quién es el culpable de todo este sufrimiento? ¡Son los propios que están ahí! 

¿Quién es el culpable de que vivan ilusionados, fantaseados, sufriendo, viendo la muerte a todo instante, por no tener garantía, viviendo desequilibrados, atontados con la vida? Son los propios que ahí están. Son los causadores de todo esto, de este embusterismo grosero donde todo aparentemente vale y verdaderamente no vale nada, porque apariencias no son verdades. Surgieron de la nada, se formaron en un todo aparente, y resumiéndose otra vez a la nada. 

¿Quiénes son los culpables de todo eso? Son los propios que ahí están, y por eso vive el mundo por cuenta de sus habitantes, sin saber lo que van a hacer para enderezarlo. Nunca lo consiguieron porque no son de ahí, si fuesen de este mundo serían eternos; por no ser de ahí es 
por lo que desaparecen sin esperarlo. 

¿Quiénes son los culpables de todo eso? Son todos los que ahí están. 

¿Quiénes son los culpables de esas decepciones, de esas ilusiones, de todo ese preludio engañador? Son todos los que ahí están.

Por lo tanto, no pierdan más tiempo, lean para inmunizarse y volver a su lugar de origen por medio de la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL. Nadie se conforma con ese mundo, nadie se conforma con la vida, porque nadie se conforma con el sufrimiento, nadie se conforma con la muerte; ¿quiénes son los culpables? ¡Son todos los que ahí están! Y así, hasta que llegó el día de todos saber de dónde vinieron, cómo vinieron, porqué vinieron, para dónde van, cómo van por medio de la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL.


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473


sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021



"E assim, essa série de sonhos que todos mantêm, e quem sonha desse jeito, vive inutilmente. Os sonhos são tantos, as ilusões são tantas, que os viventes chegaram a um certo ponto na vida e ficam desiludidos de tanto sonhar, sem saberem o que lhes adianta viver no mundo desse jeito. 

Enquanto o vivente sonha e leva a vida cheia de sonhos, vai muito bem. Mas depois que se desilude dos sonhos, é que reconhece o valor e o prestígio do sonho, e verifica que tudo só tem valor para quem está sonhando, como todos sonham, dia e noite. Então, para que o vivente deixe de sonhar, deve procurar conhecer a base Racional."( pág. 152, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: E as perguntas que não querem se calar são: por que aqui na vida da matéria somos todos assim, sofredores e mortais? Qual a razão, a finalidade do sofrimento e da morte? Por que aqui, na vida da matéria, estamos expostos à toda sorte de maus tratos? O quê fizemos para estarmos nessas condições em que nos encontramos? Será que a vida é essa mesma, de sofrimentos e de morte eternamente? E por que ninguém se conforma com o sofrimento e muito menos com a morte? Por que existe o sofrimento? Por que existe a morte? Essa é a realidade da vida e que alcança a todos, sem distinção! E quando se chega a esse estágio da vida, é que caímos na realidade de como as coisas são! 

No processo de evolução humana, o ser humano tem buscado entender e compreender esse contexto existencial que aflige a vida de todos! E todos os esforços ainda não foram suficientes para satisfazer o tão sofrido ser humano! Várias e várias alternativas são adotadas para ver se amenizam um pouco essa situação, mas ela persiste e insiste em incomodar! 

A Cultura Racional, contida nos Livros UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, lança um novo olhar, um novo enfoque nessa situação milenar, voltado para o aspecto natural da existência humana sobre a Terra! Nesse contexto, o ser humano passa a conhecer e saber que está vivendo em um mundo, fora do seu estado natural de ser, fora do seu habitat natural! E por estar fora do seu estado natural de ser, é que não tem o direito de viver, sendo portanto sofredor, agonizador e mortal. A situação em que nos encontramos é semelhante à de um peixe fora d'água, numa simples comparação! O que acontece ao peixe quando é retirado do seu habitat natural, que é a água? Ele se debate, agoniza, sofre, padece, luta para não morrer, mas acaba morrendo, por estar fora do seu estado natural! Assim acontece com o ser humano, aqui neste mundo e nesta vida de matéria. 

Assim sendo, a Cultura Racional, trazida ao mundo pela IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, esclarece tudo, prova e comprova, tintim por tintim, como saímos do nosso verdadeiro estado natural e aqui viemos parar, nas condições em que nos encontramos! Esclarece, também e com imensa propriedade, o que devemos fazer para voltarmos ao nosso verdadeiro estado natural, posto estarmos em uma nova Fase, uma nova Era, no Terceiro Milênio, onde todos vão se encontrar e se conhecer, passando assim a saber quem são, o porquê que assim são, de onde vieram e para onde vão! Nesse novo Milênio o ser humano encontra respostas conscientes, básicas e lógicas para todos os seus questionamentos existenciais, posto que na Cultura Racional não existem mistérios, enigmas, fenômenos, finitos e transfinitos! Ela esclarece tudo com a verdade límpida, clara e cristalina! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"There is the environment as it is confusing. All because the living being does not know why he is like that, he will make known why things are like this and everything in the world is like that. For not knowing, he must not admit something he does not know, as of  great reality, as if it were true, which is why they are constantly dominated by the invisible ones out there, suffering more and more, forced to look for ways and means to improve, and the suffering always growing, getting worse.

All because they know nothing of this world so far, and through this Rational Bookkeeping they will know why everyone is like this, what they are and why the world is interpreted by its inhabitants. Now they know where they came from and where they are going; before everyone is the way they are, what they were, how they were and why they were. Before the world was as it is, as it was and because it ceased to be what it was to be what it is. "(Pág.160 / 161, 1 ° Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: The popular saying goes: "knowledge does not occupy a place".  We all live in this world based on knowledge, on knowledge passed down through generations and generations, without ever being able to basically question the knowledge transmitted. A kind of artificial knowledge, which does not delve deeply into the elementary issues of being and the living conditions of beings. A knowledge aimed only at a superficial analysis, for an analysis only of the facts of daily life and the problems arising from them, disregarding the maxim that "there is no effect without a cause", that there is a reason for everything, that  nothing happens by chance and by chance.

Today, we are suffering the consequences of this apparent, artificial, superficial knowledge, as we see in the daily news about the situation of humanity! Humanity is plunged into the existential crisis;  involved in internal and external conflicts; who lives in constant unrest and without security; plagued by waves of violence and attacks around the world; without freedom of expression and without freedom to come and go; oppressed by an ideology in favor of a few and to the detriment of many, in short, all sorts of ill-treatment!

And the big question that does not want to remain silent is: how did we get to this situation if we are civilized beings today? It is necessary to seek a knowledge that explains to us, based and with logic, how we arrived at this situation and the reason, the reasons, the causes of the world to be like this!  It is from this knowledge that we all, without distinction, need to know how to resolve and solve the serious crisis that we are going through! Only superior wisdom, from a Higher World, endowed with highly cultural, constructive and peaceful knowledge can free us from the abyss!

This Knowledge, this Knowledge, has now arrived on Earth, coming directly from the World of Origin of everything and everyone, for the definitive solution of everything and everyone!  That knowledge, my friends, is contained in the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by Joyce Barros!

Rational greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473



Preocupando-se demais acarretam grandes forças magnética em vez de se lapidarem Racionalmente.

Se preocupar na matéria sim, com as coisas normais e naturais, com as coisas de necessidade; se preocupará com o necessário da vida da matéria para poder viver.

Então, passa a se preocupar somente com as coisas necessárias e normais da vida para o bom viver, dizendo:

“A vida é curta; daqui a pouquinho estão indo embora daqui.”.

E assim, não se excede, não tem excessos e vive com um comportamento exemplar, porque mantém as regras normais e naturais para viver.

Não se prejudica e nem prejudica ninguém.

Segue à forma e ritmo normal da vida.

O essencial, o natural para viver, é quanto chega.

E assim, são os amadurecidos pela prática da vida, chegam à conclusão do que a vida é e rege da forma que deve ser.

Agora, os fracos ainda não foram lapidados, esses são vaidoso, gananciosos, é justamente a causa da destruição da humanidade.

É a ganância e a ambição e a vaidade.

Esses assim, ainda por serem lapidados.

Porque a ganância e a ambição é a desgraça da humanidade.

Assim tem pessoas certas na vida e tem os errados na vida; os errados pensam sempre que estão certos e ética Racional, muito diferente de tudo isto, o equilíbrio perfeito e normal, por ser Racional.

E o ser Racional é consciente e positivo, de forma que as coisas se normalizam da melhor forma possível, naturalmente, por a orientação ser Racional.

E a orientação do animal é completamente diferente.

Faz julgamento consciente e positivo daquilo que deve ser.

Dentro do limite.

No estado normal e natural de cada um.

Assim age o positivo, sempre certo, porque sabe conscientemente o porquê está certo.

Quanto mais preocupações, menos entende o que a vida é, devido as preocupações não compensarem a ferocidade e luta do nada pelo nada.

As preocupações devam ser as naturais, as mínimas possíveis.

Então o melhor da vida é lutar somente para as necessidades, já que aí nasceu para manter a vida.

Mantendo assim as coisas normais e naturais para o bom e certo viver na vida.

A vaidade prejudica.

A ganância prejudica.

A ambição prejudica e tudo que prejudica, o que é que adianta?


A vida só é bela e boa quando as preocupações são mínimas e sim somente as necessidades para poder manter a vida.

E é esse o ponto real e sublime da vida.

Somente o necessário para manter a vida.

Porque tudo demais faz mal e prejudica.

E o que prejudica está contra a vida.

Então o normal, o suficiente, é quanto basta para manter a vida normal e natural.

As preocupações não deixa o raciocínio ser desenvolvido, porque vai estudar com a mente cheia de preocupações, pensando uma infinidade de coisas, e perturba o desenvolvimento do raciocínio.

Preocupados com isso, preocupados com aquilo, preocupados com aquilo outro.

E essas preocupações não deixam concentrarno estudo para desenvolver o raciocínio.



The electric and magnetic fluid is the cause of all unbalance in the human being, the magnetic and electric. 

In the magnetic is all turmoil of the person, are all pains, all suffering in general. In the magnetic fluid are all passions, desperations, sadness, and all ruins produced by the magnetic fluid: madness, irritability, diseases, all influence of the magnetic fluid. 

Now, when the person knows his true origin, he will no longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid. Yes, he now knows his true natural, he wants to know about the fluid of his nature, of his Rational Origin, of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Until now, no one knew of their origin, where their came from and where they are going to. 

Today everyone knows the origin of the human being, which is different from the irrational. The magnetic and electric are influences of the irrational. 

The human being was under the influence of these two poisons, the electric and magnetic, under these two negative influences to the human being. And so, the good manifests itself on the irrational animals because the irrational animals are of this electric and magnetic basis, that is why they are irrationals.

Now, that which is Rational is of a very different basis, and that is why you are Rational animals. You are of a pure origin and you deformed yourselves, as you are already well aware about the beginning of the deformation. Because you know your true origin, you are under the domination and under the influence of your origin, the Rational Origin. Once aware what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, one is immune and the fluid of the Rational Origin enters into the ‘I’ of the person so that everything of good and well gets to be resolved. 

The way you were, you were like the irrational, being dominated and guided by the electric and magnetic fluid, the guide of the animal. 

The magnetic fluid is what was the origin and cause of the formation of all beasts, of 
all irrational animals. The electric and magnetic is what originated to this formation. 

The human being is of a pole, the Rational pole, and the irrationals of a different pole, of the electric and magnetic. The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION balances the person and the electric and magnetic causes unbalance of the person. The electric and magnetic throws one against the other, it does not allow anyone to have peace. The Rational Fluid gives peace and unites all, the good understanding among all, because it is Rational. 

Under the electric and magnetic fluid, it is as you are seeing humanity, everyone understanding everything and in a little bit, in disagreement; understanding and in a little bit in disagreement, one against the other. 

The electric and magnetic provides unbalance, the unbalance in the human being, because the human being was not made to be, to have the influence from the irrational animal. 

The influence of the human being is another one, it is the Rational. So, Rationally is everything and electric and magnetically is nothing. Everything is well explained to understand well and comprehend well the effect and the action of the electric and magnetic, and the effect and action of the Rational Fluid. 

You never had any knowledge about the Rational Fluid, nor has it been reflected over here to no one. Only now, through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, in the book 

Now, yes, you will be dominated by the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. But 
until now, it never had come here to Earth, the Rational Fluid, otherwise you would have had discovered the origin of all long ago. 

Now, yes, the origin of all is over there, from the RATIONAL PLAIN. Now you are 
aware of where you came from, where you are going to, and how you are going. 

It has been said that the human being belonged to something pure, but this pure thing has never been found, until now, that it is proved as it is over there, that the origin is from the origin of Rationals. 

You were completely unaware of the origin of the human being; now you are beginning to be aware of it. And to consciously assure yourselves of it, you need to read constantly so you can then possess the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. 

The Rational Fluid is pure, clean, and perfect because it is of the Rational basis, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

So, the greatest treasure of all has arrived in the world, the greatest jewel of all, the greatest richness of all, which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. The most important discovery of all times, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Os que vivem sob o abrigo Racional, sempre reflorescendo, como diz o próprio nome: Racional. E assim sendo, a este...