Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021


The electric and magnetic fluid is the cause of all unbalance in the human being, the magnetic and electric. 

In the magnetic is all turmoil of the person, are all pains, all suffering in general. In the magnetic fluid are all passions, desperations, sadness, and all ruins produced by the magnetic fluid: madness, irritability, diseases, all influence of the magnetic fluid. 

Now, when the person knows his true origin, he will no longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid. Yes, he now knows his true natural, he wants to know about the fluid of his nature, of his Rational Origin, of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Until now, no one knew of their origin, where their came from and where they are going to. 

Today everyone knows the origin of the human being, which is different from the irrational. The magnetic and electric are influences of the irrational. 

The human being was under the influence of these two poisons, the electric and magnetic, under these two negative influences to the human being. And so, the good manifests itself on the irrational animals because the irrational animals are of this electric and magnetic basis, that is why they are irrationals.

Now, that which is Rational is of a very different basis, and that is why you are Rational animals. You are of a pure origin and you deformed yourselves, as you are already well aware about the beginning of the deformation. Because you know your true origin, you are under the domination and under the influence of your origin, the Rational Origin. Once aware what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, one is immune and the fluid of the Rational Origin enters into the ‘I’ of the person so that everything of good and well gets to be resolved. 

The way you were, you were like the irrational, being dominated and guided by the electric and magnetic fluid, the guide of the animal. 

The magnetic fluid is what was the origin and cause of the formation of all beasts, of 
all irrational animals. The electric and magnetic is what originated to this formation. 

The human being is of a pole, the Rational pole, and the irrationals of a different pole, of the electric and magnetic. The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION balances the person and the electric and magnetic causes unbalance of the person. The electric and magnetic throws one against the other, it does not allow anyone to have peace. The Rational Fluid gives peace and unites all, the good understanding among all, because it is Rational. 

Under the electric and magnetic fluid, it is as you are seeing humanity, everyone understanding everything and in a little bit, in disagreement; understanding and in a little bit in disagreement, one against the other. 

The electric and magnetic provides unbalance, the unbalance in the human being, because the human being was not made to be, to have the influence from the irrational animal. 

The influence of the human being is another one, it is the Rational. So, Rationally is everything and electric and magnetically is nothing. Everything is well explained to understand well and comprehend well the effect and the action of the electric and magnetic, and the effect and action of the Rational Fluid. 

You never had any knowledge about the Rational Fluid, nor has it been reflected over here to no one. Only now, through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, in the book 

Now, yes, you will be dominated by the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. But 
until now, it never had come here to Earth, the Rational Fluid, otherwise you would have had discovered the origin of all long ago. 

Now, yes, the origin of all is over there, from the RATIONAL PLAIN. Now you are 
aware of where you came from, where you are going to, and how you are going. 

It has been said that the human being belonged to something pure, but this pure thing has never been found, until now, that it is proved as it is over there, that the origin is from the origin of Rationals. 

You were completely unaware of the origin of the human being; now you are beginning to be aware of it. And to consciously assure yourselves of it, you need to read constantly so you can then possess the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. 

The Rational Fluid is pure, clean, and perfect because it is of the Rational basis, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

So, the greatest treasure of all has arrived in the world, the greatest jewel of all, the greatest richness of all, which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. The most important discovery of all times, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Os que vivem sob o abrigo Racional, sempre reflorescendo, como diz o próprio nome: Racional. E assim sendo, a este...