Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 27 de março de 2021



"However, they continue to value this nothing as an element of prestige, always reigning in a world of suffering. It is enough to be fantasy for everything to be attractive, and what attracts, dizziness and intoxication. And everyone lives drunk, giving by sticks and stones, without having conviction of their own being, of the quality of indomitable beasts, who get used to things, but do not calm down and because they do not calm down, it is that they are never satisfied with what they have.

If they were to be tamed, they would be accommodated with what they have, but because they are not tamed it is that they are so, insatiable and are never satisfied with what they have. The human beast is the worst of all beasts and animals. It is the most poisonous, it is the worst, and therefore it depends on other animals and they do not depend on the human beast. "(Page 210/211, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: We have already said that we are living outside our true natural state. And because we are out of the natural, it is that our life is temporary and temporary, because here we are not the owners of life and, therefore, we lose life without wanting to lose it, since outside of our natural we have no right to live.

We have also said that we are beings of Rational origin and that is why we were classified as Rational animals, or better said, animals of Rational origin! And if we have an origin, as we actually have it, we need to find out where that origin is and what we have to do to return to it! It is in this context that RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT come into vogue!

At the origin is the true natural of everything and everyone, with its supreme and sovereign power!  Yes, my friends, we have an origin, now discovered through the messages contained in the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, which was dictated from our true origin, to teach us how we can return to it and, as a result, to our true state natural to be, which is pure, clean and perfect Rationals and eternal life.

So, my friends, we learned from the Rational Knowledge that in every human being there is the link with our true origin, with our true World of Origin. And it is extremely important that every human being gets to know each other, in order to know how to develop our original link and connect it to our true World of Origin. This development is provided in a simple and natural way and within the reach of any and all people, regardless of their philosophical, scientific, religious beliefs and even in their absence! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

Rational Greetings to all!

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