Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 28 de março de 2021



"Then, another one comes and concludes: -" The benefit of life like that is not any. The weapon of the world should be conscience, and when it ends, the weapon of the world is fire, the bullet and the cannon;  so much so that the righteous suffer for the sinner.  Humanity has become monsters, ideals and whims of monsters, coming from madness, which drags the world into misery. Sick and crazy as we are, miserable ones. And so, we can only make miseries and put everyone in miseries and sufferings. We seem to be very competent, but our competence has only given us to keep everyone suffering more and more and worse."

These are comments from people who usually exchange ideas about humanity and end up saying that everything has its end. These do not admit anything beyond their capabilities, and when they come across the Bookkeeping of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, they will be astonished and say: - "Finally, what was missing arrived and in which such a thing was never thought."  "(Page 261/262, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: In the teachings contained in the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, by Rational Culture, we learned that the world is going through a transition between a phase of moral, physical and financial liquidation and another phase of recovery! And look at what a beautiful lesson RATIONAL SUPERIOR, author of the Book, presents us in this magnificent passage!

"In the world, calamity is too much; injustices are of all forms; tortures are of all caliber, precisely because of envy, greed and ambition. Those who deserve to be punished are not and those who are not those who deserve to be punished, are those who do not pay and those who do not deserve, are those who pay; those who deserve, have a comfort relative to their needs and those who do not deserve, have too much; those who work, they struggle, struggle, lose their health and life in their efforts for work, deserve nothing and those who do nothing, deserve everything and have the right to enjoy life in the best way they understand, expanding their ideals and their wills".

"What you see in the world is the empire of greed and ambition; therefore, some want a piece of bread, no matter how hard it is, and don’t have it; they go to the trash can of those who have to throw it away, subjecting it  - eat leftovers of those who have surplus. Some want warm clothes, they don’t, they die of cold and hunger; others they have to put out. Some they want medicine and don’t have;  "

"So, for a Universal corrective in humanity, Mars came to martyrize everyone in such a way that they will be forced, in order to live, to look for another softer way. Planet Mars came to end universal injustice, where it pays the just by the sinner, by virtue of greed, envy and ambition that devours the innermost of peoples. So, one can call the influence of Mars the Justice of the sky, the Justice of Nature, the Natural Justice, which does not fail, because Mars he will take care and end all this, in a short time; with the will of unlimited free will, emperor of ruins ".

"And in this period of time, in this distressing situation all over the world, this Bookkeeping UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT is beginning to emerge. Peoples looking for a better way of life, not taking any more suffering, embrace it wholeheartedly!  "(RATIONAL SUPERIOR).  Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria. Translated by: Joyce Barros!

 Rational Greetings to all!

Rational Greetings to all!

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TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...