Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 1 de maio de 2021


Because you think you know and live in illusion deceiving yourselves, you are pretending you know and suffering is proving that no one knows anything. What do you know? To suffer! To be a victim of suffering without knowing how to free yourselves of it because you do not know anything. If you knew, you would not suffer, if you knew, you would not live in agony, as everyone is living off appearances in the world, tricking yourself and tricking others. 

Suffering remains because of the electric and magnetic, the reason for all ruins. 

Pure magnetism, magnetic, magnetism, all magnetized and magnetizing one another and magnetized by the illusions, by the appearances, by the fantasies and suffering the consequences of this false wisdom, convinced, and knowing nothing. When you disillusion yourselves, you say: “The world is of suffering and nothing else, but let’s keep living like this. All of this must have an end.” The end of the electric and magnetic has now arrived. Everyone knows their basis of origin of Rationals. Getting to immediately know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is to acquire the Rational Fluid, the fluid of their origin, to ban the suffering from the electric and magnetic once and for all and be under the domination of their basis of origin and not under this basis to which you did not belong, the one of the electric and magnetic. You do indeed belong to the Rational Basis, and that is why you are Rational animals of Rational Origin. There it is, the origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Once the Rational Fluid enters the ‘I’ of the person, of the apparatus, driving out the electric and magnetic, which does not belong to this nature, the things start to change in the person’s life. So, the person keeps changing from good to better and will be receiving the guidance through the fluid, which is inside the ‘I’ of the person and she will connect to the basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Will receive all guidance for all of good, of right, of wellness, of happiness, of peace, of joy, of harmony, beginning to live unlike you have never lived. There it is, this great 
discovery of the origin of the human being, of the Rational animal, and of the origin of 
the irrational animals. 

Now, each one in their sector, each one in their basis of origin. That which belongs to the electric and magnetic, in its basis, and that which belongs to the Rational Basis, in its basis. 

But to get the fluid of your origin, one needs to read every day to get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is.

There it is, the balance of everyone in the world, the balance of the world, congratulations to everyone because they communicate with their basis of origin, which was completely unknown to all. 

You knew that you were Rational animals, but did not know where you were from. You felt that you belonged to something pure, but did not know where this something pure was, where this pure thing existed. 

“We belong to something pure, but we ignore it” and so you always ignored it. Today, this pure thing has been discovered, which is of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, the RATIONAL PLAIN, the basis of all human beings, electric and magnetic apparatuses, but of Rational Origin, and not of electric and magnetic origin. 

So much happiness in the entire world, so much celebration in the entire world! Not so without reason, the greatest discovery of all times, the glorifying kingdom of the human being, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, and you will get to understand each other with the pure ones, which are up there on the RATIONAL PLAIN, with their progress of purity; pure, clean, and perfect ones. 

There it is, the true knowledge of everyone’s natural, and many, because they did not know their true natural, thought that the natural was this one where you always live unhappily, with this natural that you adopted without knowing it. 

You are all unhappy because you suffer a lot and do not have any assurances, and the ridiculousness of death, being ridiculed like that and no one accepts that. 

Today you recognize that the true natural is not this one. You know that all of this started from a deformation, and because you are deformed ones, you are the way you are. 

No one was happy with this natural. Many were even sad and dismayed for being like that, from living in a world of mud, of suffering, and only imperfection. 

Many lamented and were dismayed to be like that, to be made out of nothingness, to become an apparent everything out of this nothing and again return to nothing. 

Many were dismayed to be like that, and to live because they had to live with this apparent life, and saying: 

“We are here tricking ourselves with this life of lies, and because it is a lie, in a little bit it ends.” 

“So, we are betrayers of ourselves. We are betraying ourselves and we are tricking ourselves.” 

So, what good does all this battle do? None! A battle of lies because all are lies, and because all are lies, everything ends. 

Many were thinking like that and saying: “Reality is this one. Why am I going to worry, pester myself, disturb myself for something that does not belong to me? I don’t have anything here. I am here with this apparent life, appearing to have one, and because life is apparent, in a little bit, life ends; I wasted time in fighting so much, without any good.” 

“Ambitions, vanities, maladies are of no good. None! Here we need to be good to everyone, treat everyone with affection, better than they deserve, because we are already disgraced by nature. We are disgraced because no one does even have the right to live, life does not have any assurance, we are an apparent everything, we appear to be that which we are not. In so appearing, we become hypocritical by nature.” 

“To live like that, falsely, being a false one to myself, to what avail was it to live like this tricking myself?” 

Many in thinking like that became revolted for being like that, and saying: “It becomes very strange to live here without knowing who has made us like this, horribly. 

This is very strange. Perhaps the person who made us like this became so ashamed to have made us like this that he did not want to show up to give us a satisfaction as to this formation.” 



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...