Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2021



"Because humanity is like that, everyone usually says: - "This nature is a phenomenon; our nature is loud, it is the aberration of this phenomenon." All animals have feeling, but feeling is a poison and that is why all animals are confused. They are confused because there is good and evil. Well apparently. One although it is not solid and that is why everything passes and there is oblivion. The human animal cries today, tomorrow it is laughing; today it feels this or that, with a deep feeling about everything and tomorrow it does not remember, it has forgotten everything.

Today they are angry, tomorrow they are happy; today they are crying, tomorrow they are happy;  today they are indignant, tomorrow they are laughing and joking. So what are the values ​​of all these beast temperaments?  Absolutely none!

Today they are in love, agonized, hopeless about everything, tomorrow so different, so happy and happy, waiting for this or that, for good or for good.

This is what happens to everyone in life, for not having the true knowledge of what life is, what they are, why they are, what they were and why they stopped being what they were to be what they are.  If they had the true Rational knowledge, they would be quite different, and already like that, they wouldn't be long ago.” (Page 211/212, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: What do we all want in life? It is to live well, happy, happy, content and satisfied! With a balanced life and the necessary financial conditions to live with dignity and meet our material needs! This is what we want for ourselves, our families, our loved ones, our friends, our fellow men and the whole world! This is a lesson in brotherhood and love for everything and everyone!

In the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, we begin to learn what we must do to walk the path of good, not self-interested good, the good that expects retribution, but good in the humanistic, existential, universal, Rational sense!

That's how RATIONAL SUPERIOR enlightens us in this excerpt!  The good that elevates, aggrandizes, evolves, that brings knowledge and clarification! Of the good that is the light in the darkness, in the path and in the lives of those who suffer and suffer so much in this life and who, many times, need only a human gesture, a word of affection, sweet and encouragement! Well, it's not something to be discussed!  And it is with sweet, mild, affectionate and affectionate words that we arouse the attention and curiosity of others for the knowledge of the good, which we are spreading to the four corners of the world!

Nobody likes to be treated badly, to be discriminated against, to be belittled, disrespected. Respect is above everyone and everything!  And it is with respect, affection and attention that we turn to others to witness that, now, true good has arrived on Earth!

It is natural that we doubt this premise, after all, we have been looking for millennia and millennia without finding anything! But everything has its time, its hour, its day! And the day arrived, of the greatest happiness of all in the world! Know who we are, where we came from and where we are going! Know why we are sufferers and mortals and what we did to get to this situation! And above all, knowing and knowing what we must do to stop being sufferers and mortals!

This is only possible in Rational Knowledge, since They are the true knowledge arising from our World of Origin, the World of our true existential identity! And who transmits this knowledge to us? It is RATIONAL SUPERIOR! A Supreme Reasoning, a Reasoning Superior to all Reasons, Inhabitant of our true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD!

So, my friends, try to find out what Rational Knowledge is, because in them is the right way to reach good, peace, love, happiness and universal harmony, studying them inside your homes or wherever they are, since these Knowledges have no relationship with sects, doctrines, religions, mystical or kabbalistic knowledge! Rational Knowledge is natural knowledge given by nature itself, the same one that generated us, created us and keeps us from everything until today! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...