Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2022



"Nature is prodigal and happy and human beings could also be happy like nature, but they are no longer happy, for abusing free will in the evolution of evil, the development of evil and its progress, of the material being.

And so, whoever evolves in evil, suffers the consequences and lives badly.

It is the result of the progress of destruction.

Where is the pure oxygen, which was the mainstay of humanity?  Where? They destroyed everything and the little that remains, it is not possible to eliminate the poisoning of the polluted atmosphere, which causes all diseases, all the diseases of humanity. Slow, long-term suicide. Everything has a limit, they exceeded the natural limits and hence, the disastrous consequences in human life. The devastation of the medicinal flora, which transmits the medicinal essence for the conservation of the health of the animal Rational, in the devastation or devastation of the medicinal flora, there was the disorder and the imbalance of the health of all, ceasing to breathe the medicines transmitted by the flora, to the conservation of health and the stability of the body and of life." (Page 32/33, 5th. Replica Issue, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And so, today humanity is all focused on the environment and the conservation of nature and natural resources, as a way of preserving the human species on Earth. And all this happens under the influence of the Rational Phase, the natural phase of nature that is now in force in the universe.

But the human being lives oblivious to the natural changes and the natural movements of nature, due to living artificially and driven by the acquisition of material goods that satisfy his greed and ambition. By living artificially, man forgets Mother Nature, yes, the one that made him, that generated him, that maintains him with all the basic vital needs, that gives him daily food and that supplies him with the natural support necessary for the maintenance of life in Planet.

Thus, human beings began to live against nature, against those who give them everything, in exchange for nothing. And this living contrary to Natural Laws, corresponds in practice to living against everything, against everyone and against oneself!  Hence the moral, physical and financial imbalance of the human being, as well as his moral, physical and financial bankruptcy, a consequence of the overwhelming liquidation that devastates the world, culminating in this unsustainable situation of save yourself who can and if you can, characteristic of the "Age of Fire", transitional!

It is urgently necessary to promote global reforestation as a way of preserving and recovering human health!  It is also urgently necessary that human beings seek their reintegration with nature, their reconnection with Mother Nature, to live in favor of her and not against her! Living in favor of nature, the human being starts to live in favor of everything, of everyone, of himself and of God, who is a Reasoning Superior to all Reasoning, an energy superior to all energies, a Supreme Reasoning.

And how to reestablish that missing link, that supreme link?  Reading and rereading the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...