Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2022



"In a little while, the brilliant of the day will be RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Everyone acclaiming it all over the world, in one voice: - "At last, the true solution has arrived for the world and for everyone." Life will shine for everyone and everyone will live full of joy and joy. The contentment, this will not even be mentioned. It will be delirious. The thrilling satisfaction, of those who receive such a surprise, unexpectedly". (Page 96, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Human beings have been born and dying in this world for a long time, without knowing why!

They have been looking for their origin for a long time, not knowing where they came from and where they are going!

They have long sought to know themselves, without truly knowing who they are and what they are!

They have long been looking for a way that will lead them to redemption!

And the more they tread on that road, the more and more disunity and destruction!

Human beings have long since severed ties with Right and Reason! They left the right road and divorced Union, Law and Reason! And it's been so long, no one remembers it!

Human beings have long been determined to go it alone, forgetting that no one is born and lives alone in this immense world!

Human beings have long rebelled against Natural Power, forgetting that without Nature, no one lives!

Human beings have been in this process of evolution for a long time!

Thinking that everything would work out, but it just hasn't been working out!

Human beings have been asking themselves for a long time: so, where is Reason, Law and Union?  What is the point of all this, then?  What is the meaning of life and our world in question?

Today we are learning that everything is a consequence of evolution! Yes, we were going through a period of evolution and going through a process of stoning, whose purpose is to achieve perfection!

We left the Stone Age and reached civilization!

But evolution does not stop and today we are at the end of civilization!

All because the Principle of Finitude, reigns in this world!  Everything that has a beginning has an end and we need to know what the Reason!

The fruit is born, grows, blooms again, turns green and ripens, then goes into the process of self-decomposition!

At that point, everything goes into destruction and it seems that there is no way out! But life is renewed and everything is reborn, for a new formation!

This is how humanity walks, which has reached the end of its evolution process!

This is how it came to the end of the civilization phase!

Because he doesn't know and doesn't know the Natural Power, he thinks that there will be no solution and that everything will come to destruction!

But life is renewed and everything is reborn, for a new formation!

We have reached the Third Millennium and with it, the Rationalization Phase, the Recovery, Law, Reason and Union Phase!

But human beings do not know each other and think that there will be no solution!

But here is the Ultimate Goal of evolution;  here is Law, Reason and Union, found in the Knowledge of IMMUNIZATION!

Knowledge coming from the World of Reason, which is not this one!

This one is a drop of water from the WORLD OF REASON!

For a long time, human beings have been crying out for the help of Divine Providence, and many thought that She had abandoned everyone in this world! But Divine Providence is here now, proving that it has never abandoned us!  And the proofs are here, for all to see clearly and perfectly! There was a phase change in nature and IMMUNIZATION arrived; there was the union of the two worlds and the Representative of the WORLD OF REASON arrived in the world;  there was the maturation of human culture and the Culture of Rationalization arrived in the world, thus providing our great Union;  there was the alignment of the Planets (but science still hasn't understood), and they all started to work, in favor of Fraternization;  there was the appearance of the Luminous Bodies and Lights across the firmament, and everyone is impressed with these apparitions! But They are here, not to impress us, but in a Mission of Peace and Union, to lead us, to the WORLD OF REASON, through the Knowledge of IMMUNIZATION!

So, try to give yourself that chance then, get out of this doldrums, this accommodation! Doubt, question, ask yourself, don't stand still!

 Look for "knowledge", because knowledge has no place!

 Move, get around, seek balance and get out of that "corner", which bothers you and promotes dissatisfaction!

Acquire the "Knowledge", in the Universe in Disenchantment Books! Books from the WORLD OF REASON, which are also part of the Divine Providence in question!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "É a tal mania de ninguém se conformar em ser pequeno, todos querem ser grandes. Ninguém se conforma em ser pobre, ...