Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 6 de março de 2022



"And so, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION comes the transformation of these virtues, which are deformed there; of these beings, who are deformed there, in these seven parts, to the natural state and once in that state, everyone will be in their natural state. It is the natural state of all? It is the Rational. Therefore, it is clear that the living beings, once immunized Rationally, know everything, define everything, know everything, normalize everything, in short, solve what they could never solve. This is because in immunization there is everything: knowledge, the beginning of everything, the reason for the origin of everything, all the powers of the world are gathered and therefore, the immunized living being is complete with everything, complete with everything, why? Because he lives with all knowledge, because he has been saved, he knows his place, his situation, the situation of everything and everyone. this".  (Page 95/96, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As we said before, the world we live in is a Rational deformation!  We also said that before this deformation existed, what existed and what exists is the RATIONAL WORLD and that in the RATIONAL WORLD there was a part, a little piece of the RATIONAL WORLD, which was not ready to enter into progress.  We also said that this piece that was not ready to be progressed is called by RATIONAL SUPERIOR, RATIONAL PLAIN! This deformation, which is the world we live in, is the result of the progress undertaken by pure, clean and perfect Rationals, who spontaneously left the RATIONAL WORLD, to progress on their own on this RATIONAL PLAIN!

Therein lies the principle of the world we live in, of this Rational deformation, as it was. Well, if this world had its beginning, obviously, one day it would have to end! Or to put it another way, if there was a force, a power to make this world like this, there is also a force, a power to undo it! And where is this Power of Powers, this Supreme Power? In origin, which is the RATIONAL WORLD! Only at the origin are all the complete, precise and necessary resources to carry out such an undertaking. Yes, because the RATIONAL PLAIN was a part of the RATIONAL WORLD, a little piece of the RATIONAL WORLD! Therefore, obviously, the existence of a Power of Powers, of a Supreme Power in the RATIONAL WORLD to be able to make the RATIONAL PLAIN!  And who is this Power of Powers, this Supreme Power and what is at the origin?  This Supreme Power is the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, a Reasoning Superior to all reasonings, a Supreme Reasoning!

So, this subject is treated, within the Rational Knowledge, as the transformation of this deformation, of this world we live in, to its true natural state! And the true natural state of this world is RATIONAL PLAIN! And seed the Power of Powers to carry out this grandiose and gigantic engineering of transformation, aiming to reconstitute the RATIONAL PLAIN, what it was, before this world existed!

And so we say, because this world has an Owner and the Owner is now present to carry out this grandiose reconstruction!  And the first steps towards this reconstruction have already been taken! Therefore, the world has entered a new Era, a new phase: the Rational Phase! For this reason, too, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is now in the world and, finally, because of this and for this reason, the Owner dictated the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


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