Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2022



"RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has already been announced many centuries ago by Nostradamus and Saint John, in the papyri, who said the following: - "After the world goes through the hecatombs because it will pass, then Universal Redemption will come, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, and everyone will know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, when the meaning of this great being is made known to everyone." And so, with the passage of time, now comes, the time for it to be known, universally. It comes now, for everyone, the Universal Redemption. And why did they announce all the bad episodes that in the world had to go through? Because they knew about the multiplication of unnecessary sciences that would evolve among all, so that they would be misunderstood and there, reigning then, the confusions and the wars of all the species, because the nature of men is adapted to all beings that would do amazing things. Then, they mentioned an infinity of things that would happen, as they already happened and are happening."  (Page 112, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: These were the first announcements of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, inserted in the historical context of humanity! And why were these announcements made? To prepare everyone for the great universal reality that was to come! Yes, my friends, because the world we live in has its origin, it didn't come out of nowhere! And one day, the origin would tell us the true translation about the world we live in; how was its origin, its formation, its generation and the first steps that were taken towards its existence.

In addition to this world having its origin, it also has its Owner! And the Owner wasn't going to abandon us, he wasn't going to let everyone live their whole lives under the cloak of mysteries, enigmas and phenomena. The Owner would not allow us to live forever unknown to ourselves, without knowing who we are, why we are like that, where we came from and where we are going, how we came and how we are going!  And the Owner was waiting for the day, the hour, the season and the time to pass, to bring to the knowledge of the world the greatest absolute reality of all times: THE ORIGIN OF LIFE; THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD and THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE and everything in it, visible and invisible! And to make such a revelation, it was necessary and necessary for everyone to be properly prepared, so that they could understand and understand it in the fullness of its real expression, unlinked from religious, philosophical and scientific concepts and broadly supported by natural, existential and original concepts!

Today, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is in the world and everyone, in a little while, will get to know it worldwide, universally, since everyone is anxious and desirous of meeting with the Universal Truth! There she is in all her brightness and splendor, being taken in a simple and humble way to the four corners of the world, so that every human being, regardless of their intellectual capacity, can drink from the water at the source of wisdom!

The time has come and all of us, propagators of this Knowledge of the greatest cultural and universal relevance, feel honored to join and increase its ranks! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


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